Priority Queue:
"All testnet participants who successfully registered with Nym Elephant and all Nym Shop customers (who had bought something up to 12pm CET today) are eligible for the PQ. You DO NOT need an email from us. All you need to do is to use the same email that you gave us to register on CoinList:
- If the email you gave us is banned by Coinlist, we can not do anything about it. You need to take that up with CoinList support.
- If the email you gave us is different from that of your CoinList account you can change that using instructions in this guide:
Tldr: set up an account on CoinList with email provided to Nym - register for both options - enter sale waiting room before sale kicks off. More info will follow via emails next week 12-24 hr before the sale.
Read CoinList’s help FAQ for more info on PQ and the sale process: