▷ 𓂂 ”a hearts-elements: cascadings of delicates. the moments was shout by rosy palms. in cutely phqses of daints idyll brimmings the wonderfully-day’s, rosebuds holdings by the cuteness. fixed upon the amoure. perfects things was coming as somethings that remind. topiary of clemency. make it itty-bitty claspings 𐂯 ..
ㅤ 🎀🗒 blow’s at the attentions
ㅤ [to you seen explored all side] .
ⓘ.. 𓊆 setup ba cutesy 𓊇 — #체리
ⓘ.. 𓊆 setup ba classy𓊇 — #딸기
ⓘ.. 𓊆 setup ba 2D/anime 𓊇 — #치수
ⓘ.. 𓊆 wording custom 𓊇 — #말하다
ⓘ.. 𓊆 wording ready 𓊇 — #단어준비
ⓘ.. 𓊆 qris deco 𓊇 — #데코
ⓘ.. 𓊆 wm/watermark 𓊇 — #으음
ⓘ.. 𓊆 customize all design 𓊇 — #설정
ⓘ.. 𓊆 pettern qr 𓊇 — #패턴
◌♪ ๋ eensy-weensy.. 𓂃 the little
blush bitty with a cake
kitten adorable are been successfully
sign with a code !333