🇰🇭 Cambodia has made significant strides in protecting the critically endangered white-shouldered ibis & giant ibis. Collaborative efforts between gov agencies & conservation organizations have led to successful breeding programs & habitat protection.
RT @IPBES: A recent study shows that deforestation is linked to increased malaria cases in the Brazilian Amazon. The study provides insight into the complex dynamics between environmental change and public health.
Devis Dori (AVS) in un'interrogazione al ministro della Salute, dell'Agricoltura e dell'Ambiente, ha invitato il Governo a impegnarsi per verificare gli allevamenti fornitori del macello di Levoni di cui abbiamo diffuso le immagini. Leggi l'articolo 👇
Anche dopo la rielezione di Trump a presidente Usa, per l’Ue non c’è altra via alla decarbonizzazione Corrado: «Fondamentale porsi in prima linea nella battaglia per il clima, sperando che il successo industriale dell'Inflaction reduction act tenga» https://t.co/PiOXgZz90z
RT @GreenpeaceEU: @WBHoekstra, we have a question for you.👇 - The hearings for the new EU Commissioners are underway, where they'll face a grilling of Q's from MEPs.🔥
RT @MLiimatainen: "Suojelemme arvokkaat metsäiset elinympäristöt...", kertoo Tornator Oyj. Paitsi Ilomantsin Hattuvaaralla. Yhtiö oli avohakkaamassa runsaslahopuustoisen metsän,vaikka FSC-sertifioinnissa ne on säästettävä. Kohteen pelasti @luonnonsuojelu -liiton väliintulo. maps.greenpeace.org/maps/gpf…
RT @Greenpeace: "Our community of hope and courage will need to shine brighter, we know it can, to help light the way" —@greenpeaceusa Executive Director Sushma Raman & @Greenpeace International Executive Director Mads Christensen greenpeace.org/international…
.@Karoline_Andaur om rapporten: Forskere og miljøbevegelsen har lenge fryktet at folk ikke vil våkne før klimakrisen blir noe vi merker på kroppen. Nå gjør vi det. Norge har et særskilt og historisk ansvar for å skjerpe klimapolitikken aftenposten.no/verden/i/dRGq…
@FAO is leading & co-leading several events & is working with @COP29_AZ & countries to make agrifood systems a central part of their deliberations, decisions & action agenda!
RT @WRIClimate: The election of Donald Trump as president will no doubt stall national efforts to address the climate crisis and protect the environment, but U.S. governors, mayors and business leaders are fully committed to charging ahead, says @DLashof.
Nell’ex discarica di Podere Rota si produrrà 29GWh di biometano l’anno, dal 2026 Baldini: «Csai è la prima azienda italiana specializzata nella gestione dei rifiuti ad adottare questa soluzione, già implementata in Francia, Spagna, Canada e Stati Uniti» https://t.co/vuR5Zvy9RO
#Wallfahren liegt im Trend - und wird heute auf Social Media begleitet. Aber schon im 18. Jahrhundert war Pilgern ein mediales Ereignis, wie ÖAW-Kunsthistoriker Werner Telesko @ihb_oeaw in einem neuen Forschungsprojekt untersucht. Mehr dazu im Interview ⤵️oeaw.ac.at/news/spiritualita…