Al 2032 gli investimenti arriveranno a 700 mln di euro, puntando a zero emissioni Bechelli: «Trasporto pubblico strumento indispensabile per la riconversione ecologica del nostro modello di vita» @at_informa
RT @IUCN: Mangroves are lifelines for coastal communities and #biodiversity. The latest assessment from the @redlisteco shows the critical need for conservation efforts.
Nel giorno della vittoria di Trump, al convegno di Rimini si discutono i risultati raggiunti a livello comunitario, ma con un avvertimento: la lotta ai combustibili fossili non è solo un fatto europeo.
🇨🇳 China's panda conservation efforts are a success story! 🎉#ProtectedAreas and advanced monitoring techniques have helped boost the wild panda population. #panda#conservation🐼
RT @CSUAtmosSci: Our department seeks a faculty member whose research focuses on designing, building, and using AI models as tools to address societally relevant challenges in characterizing, understanding and predicting the Earth system.
Our mission is to gather real time data using dropsondes and Tail Doppler Radar to share with the @NWSNHC to improve forecasts.
NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab
#Pesquerías | Si no se toman medidas como la extensión de la veda de merluza austral, corremos el riesgo de perder este recurso clave. Por este motivo, pescadores piden a @SubpescaCL actuar ya y avanzar en la recuperación de esta pesquería.
RT @WorldBank: Climate change adaptation is a game changer. It can make people and the planet more resilient to the accelerating impacts of a rapidly warming planet.
RT @GreenpeaceAR: كان عام 2024 عاماً آخرَ شهدنا فيه تحطيم المزيد من الأرقام القياسية المناخية، حيث سُجّلت على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ارتفاعات قياسية في درجات الحرارة، وفيضانات مدمّرة، وحرائق غابات.