[BLOG] Women are disproportionately affected by climate shocks. Economic inclusion programs empower women with resources, training, and leadership in climate-smart solutions.
RT @CopernicusEU: This data visualisation depicts the winds in the Atlantic Ocean on 24 January at 08:00 UTC, as the storm Éowyn was passing over Ireland. The data was produced by the @CMEMS_EU.
🐡 Discover how cultivating low trophic species is transforming aquaculture into a greener, more sustainable future. Follow the link to discover this groundbreaking initiative. ➡️https://t.co/gqrUFvSOifhttps://t.co/3Hvmusr0kt
Meet Andréia, Luzmila, and Nelly, leaders conserving biodiversity and traditional knowledge in Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador. Their work ensures sustainability and resilience for generations.
#Wetlands are vital habitats, pollution filters, carbon sinks, & much more. Over half the world relies on wetlands for food, livelihoods, & clean water.
Una micidiale rete "nebbia" da uccellagione è stata individuata dalle Guardie #WWF di #Caserta in territorio di Castel Volturno Tra le vittime alate anche una civetta. All'arrivo dei #Carabinieri forestali l'impianto è stato sequestrato e il proprietario del terreno denunciato https://t.co/zSYlIQlcDa
La centrale a biomasse del Mercure divide le regioni Calabria e Basilicata @Legambiente: è incompatibile con il Parco nazionale del Pollino. La Basilicata segua l’esempio della Calabria https://t.co/jCmthghiIk
⏱️ Adapting to a changing climate is possible, but the current investment in adaptation is far below what is needed. Every day lost increases the potential losses. Discover the actionable steps that can be taken, in @UNEP's 2023 #AdaptationGap Report 👉https://t.co/cM7NLFDZoThttps://t.co/1EFQJxLB2u
RT @GreenpeaceMY: 🎉This Chinese New Year, we’re celebrating the Zodiac Guardians —a tribute to the animals that inspire us to protect and preserve our planet. Each zodiac holds a lesson for us to give back to nature. https://t.co/WCUdOw1kn2
91 new projects are starting their research! In total, the projects will get €500 million in #EU funding & contribute to the #EUGreenDeal on: 🍒 Sustainable #food & agriculture ♻️#CircularEconomy 🌍 The #ClimateCrisis 🤝 Support to local communities