Auto elettriche, in Italia l’infrastruttura di ricarica è ancora indietro rispetto a Francia e Germania La rete è in sofferenza per elevato costo degli investimenti, domanda irregolare e tempi lunghi e incerti per il recupero del capitale @REFRicerche
Experts say that wetland loss can exacerbate disasters such as the catastrophic floods in Valencia in 2024. Restoring wetlands can help mitigate the risk which will increase with climate change.
Did #climatechange cause that recent extreme event in my country?
There is strong evidence that characteristics of many individual extreme events have already changed because of human-driven changes to the climate system.
2024 was the warmest year on record with an average global temp. 1.6°C above pre-ind. level. It's the first year to exceed 1.5°C above pre-ind. level, with every month but one since July 23 surpassing this threshold. Full Global Climate Highlights 2024:
Pollution, mainly from agriculture & forestry, impacts over 1/2 of all threatened freshwater animals, according to a new analysis published in @Nature. Dam construction & invasive alien species were among the other threats found in the study.
Smallholder farmers are among those most vulnerable to disasters,many of which are predictable. By linking #AnticipatoryAction and #SocialProtection, we can mitigate the impacts of disasters.
The Global Climate Highlights 2024 report is now online. Delve in the analysis and access all the charts, information, and data on temperature, sea ice, precipitation, and greenhouse gas concentrations. Explore the data that defined 2024: #C3S#GCH2024
Con l'obiettivo di "accrescere l'ecosostenibilità", saranno realizzati dei sistemi di cold ironing nei porti di Bari e Brindisi, grazie a un finanziamento Pac 2014-2020 da 28milioni di euro. Lo comunica l'Asp del mare Adriatico meridionale. #ANSAAmbiente ➡