ماوية نت

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المركز الإعلامي الرسمي لـ مديرية ماوية 🔴أخبار عاجلة 🎥إعـلام حربي 🌐تقارير الاخـبارية ✒مقـالات 🎬فـلاشات [الحقيقة كما هي] للتواصل والتبادل الإعلاني @mo7amedaljilani
#فيديو: الرجاء من الجميع المشاركة على أوسع نطاق..!

فيلم وثائقي أعدته قناة " فرونت لاين " الأمريكيه على آخر المستجدات و الأوضاع بسبب الحرب #السعودية و الحصار و القصف و الدمار على بلادنا #اليمن، وايضا حالة تفشي الأمراض و الأوضاع الصحية ووباء #الكوليرا ....

Frontline TV
Dear friends/followers,
Kindly watch this documentary video that is explaining a lot of what you don't know about the savagely war that our neighbors, the Saudis, are waging against our people and our beloved country!
It's only 10 minutes, I urge you to watch it!
#Saudi #Arabia, the richest country in the region , is bombing #Yemen, the poorest country in the region, for more than 2 years!
Recently, #UN declared #Yemen as "the largest humanitarian crisis in the world"
Civilians death toll is over 10,000 people!
Seven million people are facing famine!
Some 3 million people are internally displaced!
Epidemics such as cholera are outbreaking because Saudi jets destroyed most of the hospitals and health facilities in the country causing it to nearly collapse!
Saudi airstrikes targeted and destroyed most of the infrastructure in the country leaving a mass destruction in a systematic manner!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDPJEtoSHeA #ماوية_نت
Artillery Army Target #Saudi_Paid in #Taiz

May 16 | #mawyahnet
Army and popular committees killed five of mercenaries and repel three creeps in Taiz province toward Mockah district and others areas in the Taiz .
In Najran , the army forces and committees waged artillery shells at groupings of Saudi army in Al Ragba site .
Otherwise , the Saudi artillery waged shells at the citizens ‘ homes and killed three of women in Shada’a area in Saada .

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#Saudi_airstrike leaves seven #Yemeni fishermen dead

Posted by Fuad Heba
At least seven people have lost their lives when Saudi fighter jets carried out an airstrike off the coast of Yemen’s western province of Hudaydah as the Riyadh regime continues its atrocious aerial bombardment campaign against its beleaguered southern neighbor.

An unnamed military source told al-Sumaria satellite television network that the aircraft struck a fishing boat in waters off the coast of Durayhimi district, located 150 kilometers southwest of the capital Sana’a, on Thursday evening.

The source added that the air raid left eight other fishermen injured.

Hours later, Yemeni soldiers and fighters from allied Popular Committees launched a BM-21 Grad rocket at a gathering of Saudi-sponsored militiamen loyal to resigned Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Wadi Namlah area of Nihm district in Yemen’s western-central province of Sana’a, though no report of casualties was immediately available.

Saudi warships shelled the coast of Tuhayta district in Hudaydah province, but there were no reports on possible casualties and the extent of damage caused.

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#Yemen army billistic missile Burkan1, fired to Abdulaziz Airport in #Jeddah of #Saudi Arabia
#mawyahnet #ksa #ماوية_نت

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خبير عسكري أميركي متقاعد لقناة #CNN : #السعودية تتخبط وسط سلسلة متوالية من (الأزمات الخانقة) بسبب حروبها في المنطقة.
#Saudi_Arabia #yemen
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Its not the walking dead series photo. It's a real image from today's massacre commited by #Saudi jets hitting a funeral hall full of people in #Sanaa today.
450+ deaths reported and still counting.....
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#Breaking update: Over 700 people killed and injured in #Saudi_led funeral airstrikes in #Sanaa: Health officials.
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Twitter @mawyahnet
These innocent kids, killed in #Taiz by blind death machine, should've been excited to return to #school like all #world_children. #Sad!
#Yemen #yemencrisis #Saudi
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القوات البحرية والدفاع الساحلي تحذر أي سفينة من اختراق المياه الإقليمية لأي سبب كان دون أذن مسبق من السلطات اليمنية المختصة
Yemeni #Navy Warns of Breaking Into #Yemeni Territorial Waters

Yemeni Navy Force and Yemeni Coastal Defense warned of any ship working for the US-backed Saudi aggression against Yemen or #breaking into the #territorial_waters for any reason without taking prior authorization from the competent Yemeni authorities.

Forces said in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (SABA) “After more than a year and a half, the coalition of the aggression has been committing the most heinous crimes against the Yemeni people by killing children, women and elders as well as bombing markets, houses, vital installations and all the necessities of life. In addition, the Saudi-led coalition had also been targeting ordinary fishermen and destroying their vehicles by the the coasts and in islands “.

The statement continues, “On Saturday at 2:15 morning, October 1, 2016, was when the UAE military ship of the type (Swift) had been destroyed by a Yemeni missile leading to its destruction off the coasts of Mokha city. Swift had been working on the logistical aspect to support the countries of the Saudi-led coalition. ”

It is worth mentioning that a coalition consisting of more than 10 countries, led by #Saudi_Arabia and run by #America, has been assaulting Yemen for more than a year and a half by air, land and sea.
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#Saudi airstrikes attack #Yemen capital
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#Yemen: One civilian killed, 4 others injured by #Saudi airstrikes in #Dhamar city.
#yemen_crisis #yemencrisis #Saudi
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