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📝 Upon the mooned domes aloof in inmost Bagdat, till there seem'd hundreds of crescents on the roof of night new-risen that marvellous time to celebrate the golden prime of mensiversarry date of yours. 3 Ex: @Acronychaal + @AcronychalRobot 2 👤 @TheCarnelian + @TheCarnelianBot, 23 👤 @NineFromise @NineFromiseBot 25! ♥️ 👤 @TheMarcheford @MarchefordBot 05 👤 @CourcilIon @CourcilIonbot 10 👤 @TheZeones @Zeonesbot 22 👤 @flounchae @flounchaebot 7! 👤 @Trailmaze + @TrailmazeBot, 2. 👤 @Allesten @Straykidssrobot 18 👤 @HypeKiddo @HypeKiddoBot 04 👤 @FeignAesthete @FeignAestheBot 18. 👤 @sevenplex @sevenplexbot 26. 👤 @ShelbyFamiIy @ShelbyRobbot 7 👤 @actlons @actionssbot 2 👤 @WolfValor @TheWolfValorBot 3 👤 @Noveterre @NoveterreBot, 25. 💫 👤 @heartriot @mcheartbot 28! 👤 @WonCzech & @WonczechBot 25. 👤 @KarinaOnMe @KaaromeBot, 11. 👤 @Jenotology, @JenotologyBot, 15. 👤 @ZB1Official + @ZB1helperbot 21 👤 @Catastroophy + @Catastrophybot, 14. 👤 @Stalcio @Stalciobot 22 👤 @BieedingWords @LitCultRobot 1 👤 @Jencluster + @JenclusterBot 18. 🐻 👤 @MetGals @MetGalsBot 25 👤 @Boostherkate @Boostherbot 29 👤 @TheJYP @TheJYPbot 28 👤 @StrayJuvenile, @StrayJuvenileBot, 15 👤 @TheJoseon @TheJoseonBot, 17. 👤 @Kallety + @KalletyBot, 9. 👤 @dwellsoftokki @dotokkibot, 3. 👤 @TeensItzy + @Teensybot 17! 🎀 👤 @TheCastlers @CastlersBot 23 👤 @HybeMic @Hybenosisbot 22 👤 @WonyClub @WonyClubbot 30 👤 @quilliance + @quilliancebot 22 👤 @KarinaGeneration + @KargenBot 20 👤 @WEareSO @WearesoRobot 02. 👤 @schobose @schobosebot, 6. 🖤 👤 @Hethemis @Hethemisbot 15 👥 40 people of 60 have voted so far. 📖 Anonymous Board
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