Love is the silent language of the heart, whispered in the soul's depths and felt in every beat.
Send your love message here: @ bobok
Criticism & suggestions: @ BhaktiBot
Partnership: @LoviesPS
Rants: @MantanFWA
Since May 4, 2024.
Vies, capek banget hubungan tapi isinya dia curigaan terus, aku disini udah coba sebaik mungkin selalu ngabarin dll, tetep aja selalu mikir yg engga2. Capek LDR ya ampun #LoveStory
#lovefind wlw pals lets be friends with affection? labeling myself as soft dominant. and already on my legal age (23++), up for fem submissive only. minors, dry text, convokiller, ghosters, and slow response please do not lat.