Iceberg begins today.
Today is the public release of Iceberg. No waitlist, no alpha-test, just a big Iceberg App button.
For six months we've been working on a product to bring the best of organizers and workspaces and combine them into a new Web3.0 platform designed to enhance work processes called Iceberg.
We have incentivized system for our users, so you can earn Iceberg Plus Points simply by being a conscious Iceberg user. We talked about Iceberg Plus Points in detail
in this post.
Absolutely every Iceberg Plus user will be eligible, but we don't welcome foul play, we care about users who are interested in our product.
If you don't mind a few bugs and some rough edges that Iceberg may encounter in the near future, you are welcome, but we promise to promptly fix the smallest bugs and improve the product.
Go to
@IcebergAppBot and use Iceberg for your purposes.
It still feels surreal to say, but it really does all begin today. Just the beginning of this journey — one we hope you'll join us on.