Disney knows what [They] are doing
Your family may be peaceful & wholesome. What happens if you watch movies full of profanity, screaming, murder, fear of sickness - cancers, mental / verbal & emotional abuse?
Those frequencies still impact you negatively.
💧 surrounding our brain compresses to put mechanical stress on our pineal gland, causing piezoelectric charge that releases healing chemicals into our body.
Water, is also encased INSIDE our walnut gland & our Pineal Gland floats inside it & sensitive to frequencies.
💧is a POLAR molecule.
Blood is 92%
💦. Our blood cells are
🍩 & have "poles" & sensitive to frequencies.
We are energy beings,
💧 hydrogen - crystaline based at our core & are affected by different energies. Hidden metaphysical science that's been weaponized against us for YEARS to make us sick, can be used to HEAL our body, mind & spirit.
Humans aren't meant to be sitting in front of Tel-a-visions
Water documentaries