The oldest #democracy is now ruled by a criminal, rapist and lunatic, as well as by an illegally immigrated populist from South Africa. 20% of the German people are cheering, the rest are just amazed.
BREAKING NEWS – Mexico has denied the US ethnic cleansing "deportation" flights, the plane destined for Mexico stood idle, while two other flights were sent to Guatemala. ICE has been raiding US businesses rounding up people, and are openly harassing US citizens as well, including veterans, - Anonymous wrote
DUMBASS TRUMP: "We're gonna be demanding respect from other nations. Canada, we have a tremendous deficit with Canada. We're not gonna have that anymore. As you probably know, I say you can always become a state. If you're a state, we won't have a deficit, we won't have to tariff you."
WW3 🔥 Russia: "Amid increased conflict behavior & intensified geopolitical rivalry, 🌐 risks of a military confrontation between large players, incl ☢️ powers, are heightening," - former DM Shoigu
🚨Russian Foreign Intel Chief Naryshkin calls for urgent call with CIA director Redcliff
There is only one solution you have to be born on earth ~ give yourself and those who you love the best conditions to get the best possible transition into the coming world. In this regard; best wishes ✌️ namaste 💙 Fryer Son & Co.
FIRST Pictures from the ongoing raid on unregistered people inside Trump's regime, who ordered to deport the immigrants who have no permission to stay in the 🇺🇸
WW3 ⚠️ INFO – Network locally and share your experiences, skills and, if necessary, the things you need to survive. Tip: buy seeds, that will make you self-sufficient in the long term!
#BREAKING#Russia: Users complain about unstable operation of Telegram: messages are not loading. There was also a failure with a number of telecom operators.