Hasta las 20:00 horas del 25/enero/2025 se han registrado 1,301 réplicas del sismo de M 6.1 ocurrido en Coalcomán, Michoacán el 12/enero/2025, la más grande de magnitud M 4.5
Reporte vespertino de sismicidad 2025-01-25 que incluye todos los sismos localizados de magnitud menor de 4.0 actualizado hasta las 17:00 horas, disponible en: https://t.co/MmEswi18tS
RT @PhillyMadeRai: I just caught the craziest meteor EVER ove San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic. It lasted for so long that I had time to pull my phone out and record. It broke into pieces RIGHT above me and displayed colors of blue/green/purple as it broke into pieces. https://t.co/iwa6A9FUi9
Scientists have discovered a massive underground aquifer within the volcanic rocks of the Oregon Cascades, holding more than twice the amount of water in Lake Mead and potentially the largest of its kind on Earth. https://t.co/ckv79wt7uj