The King 350 aircraft from Colombia's Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana flew over the Puracé and Curiquinga volcanoes in the Cauca region. The mission involved monitoring and verifying the current activity in the area.
#Sismo detectado el 22-ene-25 a las 07:19:08 hrs. NO AMERITÓ ALERTA SÍSMICA porque la estimación de energía en los primeros segundos, no superó los niveles preestablecidos. Sensor cercano: Costa de #Guerrero a 3 km al sur de #Papanoa#TenemosSismo
Nepal will increase the permit fees for climbing Mount Everest by more than 35%, making the world’s tallest peak more expensive for mountaineers for the first time in nearly a decade, officials said on Wednesday - REUTERS
Mt. Everest, the roof of the world, king of the mountains reveals a landscape littered with old gas tanks, discarded litter, and abandoned tents.... - Volcaholic 🌋