Devoted to spreading dyslexia awareness using the power of the meme coin space. NOW LIVE ON THE SOLANA NETWORK $DYSLEXIA CA: DJt5Lchgk4bQHHNVY1S839P58QztSEKCeDchoVS5Janh
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Devoted to spreading dyslexia awareness using the power of the meme coin space. Many children, including highly intelligent ones, experience significant difficulty in learning to read, no matter how much effort they devote to it. This frustrating and persistent problem in learning to read is called dyslexia. 1 in 5 school-aged children have dyslexia, the majority of which go undiagnosed. Many people including health professionals and insurance companies view dyslexia as an educational deficit when we now know there is a proven underlying neurobiological case. There are now reliable tests and interventions that can diagnose and successfully treat it. It’s time we broke down this barrier of ignorance surrounding dyslexia and replace it with knowledge. Purchase now and help the cause