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Master Police: It is strictly prohibited to steal, tracing, re-sell, re-make, re-upload either set up or my catalogues on @carandle. Also, please do not repost anything from this channel without my permission. Everything I upload here, either its media or services that are sold, is owned and purely designed by me and if anyone claims to be other than me, I will penalize the person involved to the case. Any kind of plagiarism either from setup, or my catalogues, is strictly prohibited. Sanctions that will be given for plagiarism, claim, tracing, re-sell, and others will be subject to a fine of IDR 300.000 Tanpa ragu dan tanpa terkecuali, segala bentuk pelanggaran yang dilakukan akan di-spill di kanal milik kami. Berbuat berarti bertanggung jawab, berbuat berarti berani menerima resiko apapun. Sincerely, Carandle
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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