Ocean 2 Ocean Freedom Rally

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50% of the raised funds go towards legal cases!
Geoengineering Free Canada invites you to our next GEO Webinar January 9th 2024. We are honoured to present Dan Fournier. As a proud Canadian, Dan is Freelance Investigative Journalist. The areas he is focusing on include: Financial Markets & Cryptos, Geopolitics, and Canadian affairs. He currently lives in the beautiful Eastern Townships in Quebec province. Dan will be speaking about the legal cases in place. He published a series about geoengineering. https://fournier.substack.com/p/special-investigation-geoengineering?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2, https://fournier.substack.com/p/special-investigation-geoengineering-e82, https://fournier.substack.com/p/are-we-still-a-nation-of-laws-and?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
Tickets on sale https://www.ticketscene.ca/events/46817/
Hey All! Canada is doing it again. Let Freedom Reign BC is inviting you to join us for a 2nd anniversary convoy all across Canada or even better World Wide! Let us know your location in your area so we can update the poster and send it out, send us your videos so we again show the world that WE DO NOT COMPLY! Let Freedom Reign and Ocean 2 Ocean Freedom Rally welcome you to celebrate a day for FREEDOM. email:[email protected] See you on January 27th 2024
Hey everyone! Climateviewer is now on Telegram too. Please join Jim Lee's chat and connect to the best reseached website about geoengineering, weathermodification and pollution.
Here is the link to Telegram and the website https://t.center/climateviewerchat

December 13/14 2023 David Lindsay will be in court again. This time it appears to be the final decision.
We all know that David is innocent, but the court again proofs the corrupt legal system. David is and has been tirelessly fighting for freedom for decades. Without him many of our freedom groups would not exist, many of us would not have stepped up and also the rallies might not have created such an effect that they are also trying to silence us.
Geoengineering Free Canada and myself in particular unconditionally support David. We will be in court to support him and so should each and everyone of us. Let's overflow the Kelowna Court House of Injustice so that the judge has no other choice than NOT GUILTY!

Thank you! There is no excuse to not show up or at least help him in any other way. Donations for his legal fees are also much appreciated (e-transfer to: [email protected])
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a very Merry Christmas.

We at GFC can look back to a year of many challenges, actions and interesting news. But the best of all is the amazing friends me made on our journey.
We are grateful we have you, joining us on our path. Thank you!
We will resume our work shortly after New Years with hopefully good news, wonderful events and new ideas how to make the skies blue again. Merry Christmas!
- the GFC Team
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November 25th 1 – 4 PM
Castle Theatre, Castlegar at 185 Columbia Ave.

Includes speakers, live music, a silent auction, networking, information tables and refreshments.

David Lindsay, Co-Founder of C.L.E.A.R. - Attack on Freedom of Expression and Our Constitutional Power to Carry out Civil Disobedience
Hannah Hadikin, Co-Chair of Canadian Voices of Women For Peace (VOW) – Military Industrial Complex Situated in Canada
Bettina Engler, Founder of Geoengineering Free Canada
Jacqueline Rose, Co-Founder of C.L.E.A.R
Live Music – TBC
Kootenay Regional Peace Group
and more...

Donations of $20 - $200 sliding scale are suggested. Contributions are to help support C.L.E.A.R. legal defense and Freedom Hub newsletter expenses.

For more information or to volunteer, contact: [email protected]
To donate to the silent auction, contact: [email protected] or phone 250-368-6228
Media is too big
Talk mit Bettina Engler
Geoengineering - Kanada
vom 23.10.2023

Website: www.geoengineeringfreecanada.com (nur englisch)

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Thank you Roger Bittel for interviewing me. I am humbled and honoured! Please keep in touch we have so much more to share.....Geoengineering for beginners this time but maybe we can present the details and a lot more historical background.
The interview is in German but we already made connections to Latvia! WOW! Together and worldwide we can put a STOP on these practices.
We are again marching. Ocean 2 Ocean Freedom Rally and Geoengineering Free Canada are supporting this important event. Kelowna is standing up and hopefully other locations will be too. See you there!
October 12th 2023 4:30 pm BC PST join us for a 1.5 hour presentation about the geoengineering technologies. Information on our website https://www.geoengineeringfreecanada.com/upcoming-events and here is the link as well https://www.ticketscene.ca/events/46071/. It's a fundraising event to help us do what we do to make the skies blue again. Thank you for your support! The GFC Team