اخبار روز

Новости и СМИ
Логотип телеграм канала اخبار روز
27,2 тыс.
1,17 тыс.
11,3 тыс.
آخرین اخبار و تحلیل‌های ایران و جهان
Forwarded from @Commodities کامودیتی (Amir Sabbagh)
#فوری #نفت ۲۸٪+
تویت #ترامپ در خصوص‌توافق #عربستان و #روسیه در کاهش ۱۰ الی ۱۵ میلیون بشکه ای عرضه نفت!!!

بازار نفت با این‌خبر پرواز کرد‌‌‌...

#Trump👉 Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 Million Barrels, and maybe substantially more which, if it happens, will be GREAT for the oil & gas industry!.....Could be as high as 15 Million Barrels. Good (GREAT) news for everyone!
کوشنر در مورد تهیه طرح معامله قرن: سه سال روی آن کار کردم، ۲۵ کتاب خواندم و با همه رهبران منطقه و ذی‌نفعان صحبت کردم

Kushner on the study he put into #Trump's peace plan: "I've been studying this now for three years, I've read 25 books on it, I've spoken to every leader in the region, I've spoken to everyone who's been involved in this"
بیژن زنگنه در نامه‌ای به اعضای اوپک، از آنها خواست در مقابل درخواست امریکا برای افزایش تولید که یک اقدام سیاسی علیه ایران است، مقاومت کنند.
Nayla Razzouk خبرنگار بخش انرژی خاورمیانه و شمال افریقا بلومبرگ
سلسله توییت اسفندیار باتمانقلیج، بنیانگذار فروم اروپا-ایران در مورد وضعیت نامشخص (شبیه زامبی) توافق هسته‌ای با توجه به تعلل کنگره آمریکا در فرصت ۶۰ روزه


1. The #IranDeal is sliding into a zombie state. Here is a take from a senior energy executive that typifies the mood: "I must say I am quite concerned with the road ahead as it becomes clearer. It would not surprise me if President Trump would not waive sanctions in January."

2. Congress may not have taken decisive action on sanctions snapback, but they gave #Trump back the power to kill the deal. Meanwhile, number of the key early-movers are seeing their resolve tested in ways that are having a chilling effect for post-sanctions investment at large.

3. Boeing and Airbus, whose contracts to sell civilian airliners are among the most valuable, politically meaningful, and important to the Iranian public, have seen their deals "imperiled" by the White House + Congress.

4. Total, which was hailed as the bold IOC ready to once again be the first to invest in Iran's energy sector, is now exploring contingencies that would see China's CNPC and Iran's Petropars take over their share in the South Pars field.

5. French construction giant Bouygues has reportedly decided to pull out of Iran, having initially hit troubles on their project to build a new terminal at IKIA back in May. It is unclear whether their peers and competitors Vinci will do the same.

6. The above companies all count among the first-movers whose MOUs + contracts signaled #Iran's post-sanctions opening. Their deals are among the few that have broad recognition in the international business media and among global investors. Their struggles hit confidence.

7. To be clear, there are still deals happening, but these are taking place in consumer-focused sectors. This is itself hugely valuable for the economy, but the magnitude of the investments neither boosts growth or builds confidence as expected as an outcome of the #IranDeal.

8. Western policymakers need to understand that it is basically irrelevant if the IAEA has confirmed Iran's compliance with the #JCPOA 9 times. From the #Iranian standpoint, the quid-pro-quo central to the deal is not materializing.

9. The retort in Washington has long been that companies are hesitant because of #Iran's internal complexity and commercial and political risks. But this is not the case for the companies hitting a wall now. These companies know how to operate in Iran successfully.

10. To that end, survey data shows clearly that executives blame U.S. policy, and not Iran's internal business environment, for the slow entry of multinational companies. This is a crucial fact.

11. Iran + Europe can comfortably lay the blame for the #IranDeal's demise on the U.S. even if #Trump does not tear up the deal outright. Iran's missile program was not part of the deal, but its economic recovery absolutely was. See Annex II.

12. In this way, the deal slides into a zombie state. Neither failed, nor totally working. Technical compliance will likely persist, but the commercial actors who were meant to deliver on the deal's full promise will remain hamstrung. The Iranian people face grave disappointment.

13. As a final point, it is looking pretty clear that State, Treasury, Congress have zero idea on how to successfully lift financial sanctions to support diplomatic outcomes. Iran is the key test case. Such a failure pretty much renders sanctions a useless tool of policy.

14. If there is any cause for optimism, it is in the resilience of the Iranian people, and the creativity of commercial partners who have found ways to stick by them in the past, and will surely do so in the future. Profits are at stake, but also a principle of enterprise.

معاون شرکت ایرباس در مصاحبه با بلومبرگ: در حال بررسی تبعات تصمیم مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا هستیم.
این موضوع باعث عدم‌قطعیت در آخرین مرحله مذاکره با ایران شده است.
به هر حال چه اوباما این رای را وتو بکند و چه نکند، اقدامات مجلس نمایندگان آینده خوبی را برای این موضوع در زمان روی کار آمدن ترامپ ترسیم نمی‌کند.

EXCLUSIVE- Airbus evaluating US house vote; created state of "uncertainty" just as company negotiating final sale terms w #Iran: VP tells me.
Whether Obama vetoes or not, house measures doesn't bode well for when #Trump takes over as president, Airbus VP tells me re #Iran jet sale
