اخبار روز

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آخرین اخبار و تحلیل‌های ایران و جهان
رامک خودرو اعلام کرد که با سانگ‌یانگ کره جنوبی برای تولید تیوولی در ایران به توافق رسیده است.
سانگ‌یانگ هنوز این خبر را تایید نکرده است.
خسرو کلباسی خبرنگار فایننشال تریبیون
به نقل از یکی از نمایندگان مجلس: شرکت مزدا همکاری خود را با گروه خودروسازی بهمن قطع کرده است.
خسرو کلباسی - خبرنگار Financial Tribune
‏در کنفرانس خبری مشترک نخست‌وزیر اسراییل و رییس‌جمهوری فرانسه، نتانیاهو گفت از فرانسه نخواسته که آنها هم از برجام خارج شوند چون فشار اقتصادی خودش کار توافق هسته‌ای را تمام می‌کند.
به نقل از توییت بهمن کلباسی

PM Netanyahu: "I didn't ask France to withdraw from the “JCPOA (#IranDeal ) because I think it is basically going to be dissolved by the weight of economic forces," Netanyahu told a joint news conference with @EmmanuelMacron

رضا زندی - خبرنگار حوزه نفت

به نوشته خبرنگار پلاتس، Cosmo یکی از مشتریان نفتی ایران در ژاپن گفته که ممکن است نفت کویت را جایگزین نفت ایران کند. شرکت اینپکس ژاپن هم گفته است که شرکت در مناقصه میدان نفتی آزادگان برایشان سخت خواهد بود.


واکنش موگرینی به ادعای نتانیاهو: ایران به تعهدات خود عمل کرده است

مسئول سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا در واکنش به سخنان بنیامین نتانیاهو تأکید کرد که توافق هسته‌ای با ایران نه براساس خوش‌باوری و اعتماد (به ایران) بلکه براساس تعهدات مشخص،‌ سازو کارهای بررسی و نظارت بسیار دقیق واقعیات از سوی آژانس بین‌المللی انرژی هسته‌ای بنا شده است.

فدریکا موگرینی با تأکید بر نارسایی استدلال نخست‌وزیر اسرائیل افزود:‌ «دوباره می‌گویم، تا این لحظه در سخنان آقای نتانیاهو دلیلی برای ناسازگار بودن، یعنی سر باز زدن ایران از تعهداتش در قبال توافقنامه (هسته‌ای) ندیده‌ام.»

وی تأکید کرد که تنها مرجع بی‌طرف و بین‌المللی که مسئولیت نظارت بر تعهدات هسته‌ای ایران را دارد آژانس بین‌المللی انرژی هسته‌ای است و ده گزارشی که تاکنون از سوی این آژانس منتشر شده نشان می‌دهد که ایران به تعهدات خود کاملا عمل کرده است.

خانم موگرینی همچنین افزود:‌ «این توافقنامه دقیقا به این دلیل صورت گرفت که هیچ اعتمادی بین طرفین وجود نداشت در غیر این صورت نیازی نبود که یک توافق هسته‌ای انجام شود.»


اخبار روز
سلسله توییت اسفندیار باتمانقلیج، بنیانگذار فروم اروپا-ایران در مورد وضعیت نامشخص (شبیه زامبی) توافق هسته‌ای با توجه به تعلل کنگره آمریکا در فرصت ۶۰ روزه https://twitter.com/yarbatman/status/942891182497189888 1. The #IranDeal is sliding into a zombie state.…
لزوم خروج پیشدستانه ایران از برجام

سلسله توییت اسفندیار باتمانقلیج، بنیانگذار فروم اروپا-ایران و یکی از مدافعان سرسخت برجام، در مورد لزوم خروج پیشدستانه ایران از برجام


1. The #IranDeal is on life-support. It is time for #Iran to preempt Trump and pull the plug. As Easter approaches, here is my argument for how Iran must "resurrect" prospects for diplomacy by exiting the moribund JPCOA.

2. I am an ardent supporter of diplomatic and economic engagement with Iran. I do not make the claim that the JCPOA is a now a liability to engagement lightly. But an assessment of the circumstances makes it very clear that Iran and its counterparts need a new approach.

2. As @EliLake exhibits, deal opponents are concerned that Trump's desire to kill the deal with his tiny hands will leave the US responsible for blowback. Plus, Iran isn't receiving most benefits of the deal. Hence the new strategy: prolong uncertainty.

3. How so? Well Trump would still cancel the waivers on May 12. But as @mdubowitz has elegantly suggested, there would be a "safe harbor" period. Sanctions won't be enforced until Nov 12 and in the meantime "extended negotiations" on a fix could take place. Sounds reasonable, no?

4. Well not if you consider the real goal + likely impact. From the Iranian view, May 12 will still represent a major material breach of the #JCPOA. The political pressure for a robust response will be immense and Iran's strategic patience is unlikely to hold up.

5. Whether it is blocking inspectors, launching a ballistic missile, or some other provocation, Iran will be compelled to react during the period of so-called "extended negotiations." As such, Iran will be declared responsible for abrogating the deal + the diplomatic effort.

6. In this way, the whole ruse of a "fix" has been used to turn the JCPOA into a quagmire for those who support engagement. We have spent a year tending to a deal on life support. It is time for Iran to pull the plug and devote its resources + energies to a new diplomatic agenda.

7. Crucially, #Iran can "resurrect" its full non-proliferation commitments outside the JCPOA and directly to the UN. By retaining IAEA verification protocols, Iran can pursue continued engagement with the EU, Russia, China and the wider world outside the JCPOA mechanisms.

8. Iran ought to invite Europe into broad consultations on political, economic, and security issues in a model similar to the JCPOA Joint Commission but with only committed actors at the table and a remit not constrained by the limitations of the American political imagination.

9. Europe would welcome this. As @IrishJReuters reports, the wider EU28 does not buy the appeasement strategy now being pursued by the E3. They see the risk in sacrificing credibility with Iran to try and save a single product of diplomacy--the JCPOA.

10. In effect, we have forgotten that the JCPOA is not the *only* diplomatic agreement or framework that Iran can strike with key counterparts. There have been countless other "Iran deals" but they have been starved of attention and care because of the onslaught on the JCPOA.

11. As I argue in @BourseBazaar, the longterm drivers of engagement-- demographic shifts, economic urgency, geopolitical significance-- will continue to push Iran towards dialogue. But the venue must be one that is truly "win-win" in operation and outlook.

12. The integrity of Iranian diplomacy cannot be something "certified" in Washington or defined by concessions. Killing the JCPOA, and resurrecting its *letter, spirit, and promise* in new forms is the only workable strategy for Iran, Europe, and all those who maintain hope.

تماس ظریف با همتای چینی

محمدجواد ظریف در یک تماس تلفنی با وزیر خارجه چین درباره برجام و نیز کشتی نفتکش #سانچی صحبت کرد.

کشتی سانچی از شنبه هفته قبل بر اثر برخورد یک کشتی دیگر در آبهای چین و در نزدیکی شانگهای منفجر شده و در حال سوختن است. از ۳۲ نفر خدمه این کشتی، اطلاعی در دست نیست و تنها پیکر ۳ نفر از آنها تا کنون یافته شده است.


سلسله توییت اسفندیار باتمانقلیج، بنیانگذار فروم اروپا-ایران در مورد وضعیت نامشخص (شبیه زامبی) توافق هسته‌ای با توجه به تعلل کنگره آمریکا در فرصت ۶۰ روزه


1. The #IranDeal is sliding into a zombie state. Here is a take from a senior energy executive that typifies the mood: "I must say I am quite concerned with the road ahead as it becomes clearer. It would not surprise me if President Trump would not waive sanctions in January."

2. Congress may not have taken decisive action on sanctions snapback, but they gave #Trump back the power to kill the deal. Meanwhile, number of the key early-movers are seeing their resolve tested in ways that are having a chilling effect for post-sanctions investment at large.

3. Boeing and Airbus, whose contracts to sell civilian airliners are among the most valuable, politically meaningful, and important to the Iranian public, have seen their deals "imperiled" by the White House + Congress.

4. Total, which was hailed as the bold IOC ready to once again be the first to invest in Iran's energy sector, is now exploring contingencies that would see China's CNPC and Iran's Petropars take over their share in the South Pars field.

5. French construction giant Bouygues has reportedly decided to pull out of Iran, having initially hit troubles on their project to build a new terminal at IKIA back in May. It is unclear whether their peers and competitors Vinci will do the same.

6. The above companies all count among the first-movers whose MOUs + contracts signaled #Iran's post-sanctions opening. Their deals are among the few that have broad recognition in the international business media and among global investors. Their struggles hit confidence.

7. To be clear, there are still deals happening, but these are taking place in consumer-focused sectors. This is itself hugely valuable for the economy, but the magnitude of the investments neither boosts growth or builds confidence as expected as an outcome of the #IranDeal.

8. Western policymakers need to understand that it is basically irrelevant if the IAEA has confirmed Iran's compliance with the #JCPOA 9 times. From the #Iranian standpoint, the quid-pro-quo central to the deal is not materializing.

9. The retort in Washington has long been that companies are hesitant because of #Iran's internal complexity and commercial and political risks. But this is not the case for the companies hitting a wall now. These companies know how to operate in Iran successfully.

10. To that end, survey data shows clearly that executives blame U.S. policy, and not Iran's internal business environment, for the slow entry of multinational companies. This is a crucial fact.

11. Iran + Europe can comfortably lay the blame for the #IranDeal's demise on the U.S. even if #Trump does not tear up the deal outright. Iran's missile program was not part of the deal, but its economic recovery absolutely was. See Annex II.

12. In this way, the deal slides into a zombie state. Neither failed, nor totally working. Technical compliance will likely persist, but the commercial actors who were meant to deliver on the deal's full promise will remain hamstrung. The Iranian people face grave disappointment.

13. As a final point, it is looking pretty clear that State, Treasury, Congress have zero idea on how to successfully lift financial sanctions to support diplomatic outcomes. Iran is the key test case. Such a failure pretty much renders sanctions a useless tool of policy.

14. If there is any cause for optimism, it is in the resilience of the Iranian people, and the creativity of commercial partners who have found ways to stick by them in the past, and will surely do so in the future. Profits are at stake, but also a principle of enterprise.

🚨 #فوری
📝رهبر انقلاب ساعتی پیش: دولت کنونی آمریکا در قضیه توافق هسته‌ای تخلفهای متعددی تا الان انجام داده است؛ تازه ترینش تمدید #تحریم ده ساله است، اگر این تحریم بشود قطعا نقض #برجام است و بدانند قطعا جمهوری اسلامی در برابر آن واکنش نشان خواهد داد. ۹۵/۹/۳
