#results #seven #alhamdulillah #2024 IDP PBI 16/November/2024 #twenty_four
Start point:
Prep time w/ us:
about 6 months
Feruza Sirocheva & Feruza Khayrullayeva
Congratulations Miron with an impressive 7.0!
🎉 Honestly, we all know it could’ve been higher if it weren’t for his gf
😂😂 Exxx Miron, Miron… the craziest in the group, always cracking jokes and making sure we didn’t take life too seriously
🫠 But let’s not forget the rare moments when your wisdom shone through—like a once-in-a-blue-moon miracle
😂 I’ll forever remember the times you brought me water, even if it came with “minnat”
😭 Thank you for being the life of the group and always cheering us up! Proud of you, Miron! Big things ahead for you!
We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.
Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️