Adam McKay

Логотип телеграм канала Adam McKay
Filmmaker, Producer. @hyperobject_ind @weareyellowdot Time to try some different things. Cause 50 years of "this" has been a disaster.
“Look at you dressing up and going to work at MSNBC or the Times or the Capitol… So adorable. You don’t even know how to question power or think critically…”
Friendly reminder 😃 that Schumer and Jeffries both signed off on an active war criminal, Netanyahu addressing Congress in what will be one of the darkest, ugliest moments in U.S. modern history!
Is there anything establishment Liberals love more than a “foregone conclusion?”

Too bad people, you get no say. A “source close to the process” says it’s a foregone conclusion.
Meanwhile Bruce Wayne is co-hosting a fundraiser on Martha’s Vineyard with Obama for Two Face.

“The good side of his face has some great policy ideas about using market incentives to stimulate affordable housing.”
This debate is like the end of a long running, on its last legs, puppet show.

The puppets are warped and misshapen from years of use and the puppeteers all have a smoker’s coughs
This week’s Post Holocene Movie of the Week: