[Updates] WeYouMe

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Updates Channel for WeYouMe. The New Social Network, powered by We, You, and Me. Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeYouMe_
Latest WeYouMe Mainnet Node Commit [6.9.22]

Work continues on the WeYouMe mainnet node after many months of development progress. This commit includes many new features above and beyond the Whitepaper design.

• Federation Upgrades:
Federations enable groups of communities to combine into a structure that can display posts related to a range of subjects and enable discovery of new communities.
Users will be able to fund new and engaging communities easier, and community admins will be able to collaborate with aligned communities much more effectively.

• Namespace Management:
Accounts, Assets, Communities, Federations all use the global shared namespace, which now enables names to be purchased and exchanged for the activation of on-chain objects using a given name. Namespace registration fees, and namespace trading fees drive protocol revenue.

• Lending Pools:
New asset class enabling the creation of a private credit fund structure to issue undercollateralized loans to approved borrowers at fixed term interest rates, and return interest yield to multiple tranche levels based on credit risk exposure.
This enables entirely new classes of Defi Borrowing to occur outside of overcollateralized margin style loans. A share of interest yield drives protocol revenue.

• Recommendation Upgrades:
Audience cohort based recommendation system replaces the previously designed recommendation system to focus on content that has been viewed by accounts with similar interests to the viewer account.
Enables widespread discovery of popular content based on vote/view ratios in audience cohorts, with a global audience cohort at the top level for highly engaging content.
This means that creators have a greater ability to be shown to accounts on recommendation at the lower end, and the potential for massive recommendation flows to content that performs best across relevant audience cohorts.

• Federation and Community Rewards:
Federation admins and community admins now receive an allocation of MEC issuance as a reward, based on the stake weighted daily and monthly active users of their Communities and Federations.
This provides a direct reward to Community and Federation admins to encourage the growth of their userbase.

• Liquidity Pool Rewards:
Holders of Staked Liquidity Pool with an exchange pair to currency assets earn a portion of reward distribution.
This incentivizes liquidity providers for Liquidity Pools in addition to fees for liquidity providers to Currency asset pairs.

• Governance Rewards:
Creators of Governance accounts earn a share of reward distribution based on stake weighted daily and monthly active users.
This incentivizes Governance accounts to grow their userbase, and retain users by providing public goods and high quality content moderation.
This replaces the formerly designed Developer / Marketer / Advocate System, which has been deprecated and merged into Governance accounts.

• Content Reward Upgrades:
Posts now earn ongoing content rewards with multiple channels of reward curve, at various decay rates, overall extending the revenue lifespan of posts for multiple years in the long run by distributing funds to posts over a much longer time span, and incorporating the gain in votes and views alongside the overall amount of votes and views.
This encourages investment into the creation of higher quality evergreen content that can have a long shelf life of creator revenue.

• Ad Upgrades:
Streamlined the ad bidding and ad campaign management system to enable bids based on account on-chain transaction characteristics , and a new matching system to allow for much more fine tuned ad campaigns.
This enables a higher ROAS for advertisers and makes the on-chain self-serve ad exchange system more viable, increasing protocol revenue, and for users who benefit from earning a portion of the ad spend to reach them.


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Latest WeYouMe Mainnet Node Commit [18.10.21]

• Account Username Updating:
Accounts can now update their consensus username, which cascades the change to all objects that reference the account.

• Community Name Updating: Communities can also now update their consensus name, cascading the new name to all referencing objects.

• Asset Symbol Updating: Asset objects can update their consensus symbol to a new symbol, and cascade the new symbol to all objects.

• Asset Flag functionality: New asset flags have now been implemented to modify asset features and apply customized limitations on how assets can be used.


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Latest WeYouMe Mainnet Node Commit [03.08.21]

• Genesis State File Handling:
Database Init Genesis function now handles a Genesis.JSON file through the creation and deployment of a Genesis State Object in the initial construction of the Blockchain state.

• Account / Asset / Community Deactivation: Enables accounts, assets, and communities to be deleted by their owner, which ensures that users have the ability to remove content from the active database. This frees the namespace when associated objects are pruned from the active database state.

• Account Membership Updates: Handles Account memberships in a separate object, linked to the originating Interface. Implements account membership benefits to all rewards and voting power boost based on membership tier.

• Interface Rewards: Enables a portion of Coin issuance previously directed to Supernodes to now be received by Interfaces according to stake weighted transaction volume. Now uses an interface user and Supernode user object to record the recent interaction time for the purposes of allocating this reward to Supernodes and interfaces, based on a hybrid of daily and monthly weighted transaction volume across all transaction types, not just comment views. Additionally directs a portion of comment rewards to interfaces and governance accounts that was previously directed to the author.

• Ad Upgrades: Enables the staked holders of an asset, or the members of a community to be easily imported as a component of an advertising audience account set. Added additional advertising formats including polls for poll votes, trading orders for a specified asset, enterprise votes or funds for an enterprise proposal, and distribution funds for an asset distribution pool.

• Comment Pinning upgrade: Comment pinning is now handled by a separate operation which may be permissioned in communities, instead of a single pinned comment, handled by the object's update operation requiring the owner key. Multiple posts may be pinned to a profile, or to a community.

• Community Premium Memberships: enables accounts to pay a variable level of membership premium price to access content that is denoted to being visible above that recurring price. This continuous premium pricing with individual content decryption keys replaces the previous model of a single decryption key for 3 discrete blocks of premium content tiering. Enables the community membership object to remain persistently and handles automatic recurring premium membership, without requiring that a new community membership key be reissued for every payment interval.


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Latest WeYouMe Mainnet WeNode Commit [20.04.21]

• Business and Governance account structure overhaul:
Business and Governance accounts now combine an underlying account with a linked equity asset, credit asset, private community and public community. Control over the underlying account is determined by elected directors and executives. Business account voting is weighted by stake holding, governance account voting is weighted by unique member accounts.

• Governance Resolutions: Governance accounts can now propose a resolution representing any collective message, policies, or guidelines. Resolutions can be updated by amendments, and are approved by the members of the Governance account.

• Moderation system overhaul: Governance Account Membership now enables users to receive moderation tags from their chosen governance account, and vote over its moderation policy implementation and leadership.

• Pruned redundant features: Executive Board objects replaced by new governance account structures, Governance Subscriptions replaced by mutually approved Governance memberships, Business account invitations and memberships replaced by linked communities, and transaction signatory assignment no longer implemented, replaced by new business account authority designation within the underlying account.

• Single Unified Namespace: Communities, accounts, assets and all other uniquely named objects all now share a global namespace in the protocol, so that an asset and community must have different names.

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Latest WeYouMe Mainnet Wenode Commit [24.11.20]

• Community Directive system for coordinating tasks and collaborative ideas
• Streamlined community membership transaction process combines multiple operations into one
• Community Premium membership system, with paid subscriptions for temporary keys
• Community Permission Flexibility replaces 8 fixed privacy option sets
• Community Moderation rewards distributed to all members voted for.

WeYouMe alpha is currently down for a rebuild into our next Application form to get ready for mainnet.
It will return in the coming weeks with a fresh chain and a brand new interface that will be used for mainnet.
Latest Mainnet Wenode Commit:

• Directional Federations between communities
• Streamlined connection transaction process
• WYM Initial Asset Distribution object in genesis state
• Interface attribution in all comment related operations
• Community Event Pricing and attend objects

WEYOUME / BTS now has a Bitshares Automated Market Maker liquidity pool.
Get the Bitshares mobile app to check out the latest hardfork upgrade to the Bitshares protocol.
the WEYOUME.BTSLP asset now represents the ownership of the liquidity pool.

GooglePlay address: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.bitshares.app

This adds liquidity to the WEYOUME asset as it trades on the DEX.

WeYouMe mainnet will include a similar Liquidity pool structure, with several improvements including merging trade between the orderbook and the pool.
Channel created