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A project by @IsraelWarRights @DefenceTelegram @ArmyFreaks @PlanetFreaks @CountriesFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @RoadToPetabyte - Other channels @EuropeanTelegram @HumanRightsChannels @SafetyTelegramChannels @ClimateChannels Only @UnitedNationsVideos
➡️On Africa

“With the world’s fastest growing middle class, estimated to encompass 1.1 billion people by 2060, African will take the center stage of global affairs.

Building resilient economies in the Global South is an urgent priority, which goes hand-in-hand with increased solidarity from those who are most responsible for carbon pollution.”

-Amb. @ErnestRwamucyo at the #UNGA79 debate


Permanent Mission of Rwanda to The United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
➡️Happening now

“Rwanda knows first-hand what division and fracture can do to a society, let alone a community of nations.

In the aftermath of the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, we, Rwandans, found ourselves at a crossroads, where we chose unity over division for our own survival.

The choice was not an easy one, but it was the right one, and has defined Rwanda’s post-Genocide nation-building ever since.

The world now stands at a similar crossroads: To choose unity for the collective good.”

-Amb. @ErnestRwamucyo at #UNGA79 General Debate


Permanent Mission of Rwanda to The United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Immense loss of life and destruction continues in #Lebanon.

🔴 In the past 10 days, over 1,000 people have been killed, with +8,000 injured since Oct. 2023. @UN and partners have mobilized rapidly to support local authorities in response to the wider escalation. More

UN Humanitarian

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Thank you #Sweden for your support 🧡 #PartnersAtCore help @UNFPA deliver assistance to the most vulnerable and save lives all year round.

Sweden increases its 2024 humanitarian assistance by SEK 461 million.

This assistance will help the record number of people who are displaced, suffer from acute hunger, lack maternal health care and are subjected to gender-based violence.

It is distributed via @UNFPA‌ ,@UNHCRgov and @WFP.

Swedish humanitarian assistance makes a difference, where it’s needed most.

Read more: government.se/press-releases…
- Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Hunger in Haiti has reached historic levels.

Updated data from @theIPCinfo shows that 1 out of every 2 Haitians are facing acute hunger. @WFP & partners continue to deliver life-saving aid, but more support is urgently needed. wfp.org/news/hunger-haiti-re…

United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RDC : « La paix n’est pas encore gagnée », prévient l'envoyée de l’ONU @UN_BintouKeita @MONUSCO I @UNPeacekeeping news.un.org/fr/story/2024/09…

ONU Info

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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En este #DíaDeLaTraducción queremos agradecer a todos los profesionales lingüísticos por su labor que facilita el diálogo, el entendimiento y la cooperación entre los pueblos.

Su tarea es un puente para construir la paz e impulsar el desarrollo.

ONU Noticias México

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Le 3 octobre, pour son 15e anniversaire, la cérémonie de remise du #PrixÉquateur 2024 présentera 11 solutions exceptionnelles fondées sur la nature et dirigées par des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales du monde entier.

ℹ️ go.undp.org/oNw #NatureForLife

ONU Développement

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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1 in 3 women globally have been subjected to physical or sexual violence at least once in their life.

That’s why we are teaming up with @EU_Partnerships to roll out the ACT programme.

Learn more: unwo.men/GLyf50TyUL3

UN Women

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
At the OIC Annual Coordination Meeting held on the sidelines of the 79th UNGA, Pakistan 🇵🇰 emphasized that advancing the interests of the Islamic Ummah remains a core principle of its foreign policy. As Pakistan begins its tenure on the UN Security Council, it will prioritize addressing the challenges facing the Islamic world by actively seeking the support and cooperation of OIC member states in these endeavors. @OIC_OCI @OICatUN

Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Which Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs are you committing to? Spin the wheel and let's take action together.

Let's all #ActNow: un.org/actnow #Agenda2030

United Nations Geneva

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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La basura se acumulan en las zonas medias de #Gaza, junto a aguas residuales que se filtran en las calles.

La población no tiene más remedio que vivir junto a los residuos, expuesta al hedor y a la amenaza de un desastre sanitario.

👉 ayudagaza.com


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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🚨Crise au Liban : des familles syriennes et libanaises fuient pour sauver leur vie. Elles ont besoin d'une aide de toute urgence.

Découvrez ce qui s'y passe et aidez à les soutenir dès aujourd'hui.
Chaque don fait la différence ➡️ bit.ly/4gRKaTU

Le HCR en France

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
La tierra es el hogar de todos nosotros, incluidas las personas refugiadas, apátridas o desplazadas.

🚨Nuestro hogar está en peligro. La #CrisisClimática está aquí y el desplazamiento es una de sus consecuencias más devastadoras.

Necesitamos #AcciónClimática urgente.

ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @marcosathias: Collaboration is key to innovation. Through @UNDPClimate’s joint efforts with @lavazzagroup and the Government of Ecuador, we're tackling deforestation head-on, setting a new precedent for global agricultural practices: go.undp.org/4hv

UNDP Climate

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @UNDESA: 🎛️ Electric stoves
🍚 Electric rice cookers
☀️ Solar cookers

and access to other clean cooking solutions could save women 40 hours a week on average.

👉 Learn more in our new 2024 Gender Snapshot report with @UN_Women: unwomen.org/en/resources/gen… #GenderData #GlobalGoals

Global Goals

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Join us tomorrow (Oct 1st) at this hybrid event at 4 pm CEST on the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions.

Explore IHL's role in peacebuilding, with a focus on Colombia’s contributions and ongoing efforts.🕊️

Register here: 🔗 icrc.org/en/event/event-Colo…


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme