The reality behind private restricted Reddit Blackout after paid API changes done by Steve Huffman or Apollo

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Facts about Reddit / Subreddit and Subreddits, the private / restricted API change made by Steve Huffman and the overevaluated Apollo app by @RoadToPetabyte
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Remember, we know that Reddit from various point is shit (as we shared previously), but keep in mind that is not just Steve Huffman fault! Sure Steve Huffman has something to do with that, but even how various people are just shitty using Reddit. Here for example we share a spam usage of Reddit.

You maybe could think "who matters", but NOPE!!!!!!! Remember that the action done by other is influencing you directly too. This is one of the reason why links are banned on Reddit, why they have a shitty spam bot, that marks all as spam, even if you are the admin or an approved user, random subreddits / accounts banned, etc. Every single action is important. Because remember, one people (yes, just one people) could launch a nuclear bomb, and the life of tons of people will change with such action. If we now consider that such things are not done just by one people, but many persons, all that is getting worse and this is even why socials get shit and shit with the time.

So people, please stop to do such shit that has no benefit for social networks, people are not interested on it and you are really spamming your content. This is the real spam on social networks, not what some moderators on big subreddits are defining as spam, just because they have some other ideas about a specific topic or whatever and if you look the content or the way is shared, is not spam at all! The same shit is happening even on Discord, but on other socials too.
We need to say honestly that not all people are choosing which meals they want to eat, means they don't comment, like, subscribe or whatever (especially productive people who don't want to waste time with such things), like they do it on YouTube and other socials, newspapers, etc. = just check posts. This is an huge difference, and for that you don't need API at all. 3rd party apps can work without API too. So all infos need to be shared, not just 50%!
Plus always related to this "You need a waiter to take your order and bring it to you", people should even start learning to use Reddit search feature once at all. Most people are simply not using it at all.

Apollo is (Not) Dead: How To Revive the Beloved Reddit Client
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Like we previously said "is enough a small amount of group of people writing bullshits to generate a mass of tormenting sheeps, even if they have no idea why they are complaining against Reddit, except because they change API and Apollo get down ..." Do they REALLY know all infos about this topic? Probably not ...

Backup by @RedditBlackout
A @grttme project - Other backups:
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Reddit moderators are complaining about Steve Huffman API changes, but do we want to talk how shitty is Discord moderation? Discord, that is not even able to ban a spam user and delete all posts ... (but just max last 7 days) and without bots moderation would be shit!

Backup by @RedditBlackout
A @grttme project - Other backups:
To all people telling that Mastodon is an alternative to Twitter or Reddit. Please, write less bullshit. If you want to get tons of 503 or other errors, reupload medias 1000x times, ... then yes is a good alternative.
Media is too big
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Thousands of Reddit pages go dark in protest over company's new third-party app policy - CNBC is talking how artificial intelligence / AI is having bad influence to social networks by closing API

Backup by @RedditBlackout
A @grttme project - Other backups:
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And before you comment about Reddit API protest, be sure you have read even Reddit posts about such changes! for example & &
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Our answer to r/interestingasfuck comment on the post about Reddit API changes done by Steve Huffman
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And for people thinking that we are not in the same situation like Apollo (for sure not in the same way, especially considering that Apollo is in the top list of App Store), but between all Reddit users, we are the most active with Reddit based projects on 3. socials too, near few other, without considering all private projects ...). If Reddit bans RSS and we need to pay thousand of dollars to continue such project, we still would write the same as we wrote now because there is a difference between complaining just to complain or complaining using facts. Obviously it's a shit situation compared to previously, no matter if RSS or API, but this doesn't mean Reddit is killing itself.
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Part 3: So this would happen with Reddit too, people would just use it on Reddit, without checking that on third services. Even if you are using Facebook, you cannot compare it to Twitter. Facebook is total different and both usage are need to maximize your workflows. Such people obsessed with using just 1 browser or 1 social or whatever have really understand anything about proper usage. The solution is not using just one, but combine them so you can use all features. Again, please average users, avoid to write bullshit if you have no experience at all related to managing subreddits in an agency style or on multiple 3. services. Currently such things are done just by few people in the world, considering that there aren't even a lot good similar services available offering that.

We always defended user rights going against developers and big companies with many projects like no one did before, but in such Reddit case there is just an overevaluated opinion by people, even if probably most don't know the whole story and just read about Apollo.

Reddit could still fix such issues with a paid subscription like Twitter, but then we really want to see how many people would buy that. People are always ready to do bla bla and comment, but once they need to pay for something or do something, the majority doesn't do anything. Do you prefer that Reddit shutdown whole service, or that they implement an API payment, that still make less difference, if RSS is active. Yes, for sure prices are crazy and about that they should fix it.
Part 2: [Previous post shared with other channels] --> currently all works fine on 3. socials

So in conclusion there is no difference at all compared to previous usage, especially if RSS will be available. Plus we need to be honest. We are following all subreddits made by other people on Telegram. There are around 1000, without considering our channels. Almost no one is following such subreddits on Telegram! on Discord is nothing better and the same happens on other social networks, where such subreddits are available. If people are using third services, this is more for porn content, so NSFW subreddits, especially because different SFW subreddits are just text based ... so using 3. services make less sense.

So don't write bullshit about the API, if already now you are not using Reddit properly (or at least not using without using Reddit....). Such people are the first complaining about Reddit is down... but to be honest even if Reddit is down, you can still access such posts, if you know how. The same happened in the last 2 days.... Again, remove your obsession for Apollo and start to analyse the things properly! Obviously for Apollo and other dev this is not a good news, but otherwise if we check the facts, there is no reason why Reddit is killing itself. Even if Twitter is not available anymore on Telegram for example, people would still be use that on Twitter directly, because every social is special and Twitter has many features that no other social own, but this doesn't mean Twitter is perfect.
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Let we comment r/interestingasfuck post, for sure one of the best subreddit available. Is Reddit really killing itself? NOO! that is bullshit!

1) As we said previously there is NO alternative

2) Reddit will work exactly the same as previously

3) If RSS is available, doesn't matter if you need to pay API

4) Twitter is a good example. We can still have it on Telegram without paying! (until now), even if they implemented such shit.

5) Apps like Apollo are not essential. First they are iOS based and true users should know that no matter what, mobile experience is always worse compared to a desktop experience. Outside this, Apollo has nothing special compared to a multiple browser usage, like we wrote previously. It's more than people are acting like sheeps, even if then most of them probably consume Reddit directly using Reddit. But again point 3 is much more important!

6) We already wrote yesterday that for managing multiple subreddits and posting post on such subreddits, Reddit is one of the best social network, where no API is needed at all. Yes, for sure some open a bot based subreddit, but 1) such subreddits or users get banned really fast 2) since we are tracking what happens on Reddit, we found various similar subreddits and almost no one is following such subreddit 3) for doing that, you can use Telegram directly and is MUCH better!

7) Even if posting on Reddit is important, big companies ARE READY to pay, like they are ready to pay for Twitter! So there will be no difference. Such companies already implemented downgrades after Twitter, reason why most all our Twitter accounts currently don't work, until we fix that.
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Results of the reddit API protest? Many subreddits are already back ... like if nothing happened in the last 48h. Would be cool to find if people really reduced Reddit usage in the last 48h or if they just switched to other subreddits. We are still searching. But as we previously said, most NSFW and SFW subreddits were online, and those not available are mostly not interesting subreddit too (they are just big...)
Let we comment "After more than 11 years I'm finally free of that ever worsening pile of garbage site". If you are seeing garbage, is because you are visiting garbage subreddits, means it's your fault, not Reddit. Garbage is on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook too ...
Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flickr, Mastodon, TikTok, YouTube, SaidIt and Tumblr were candidates for the worst social networks worldwide prize (data / account deleted / banned). Winner are Reddit (place 1), Instagram (place 2) and Twitter (place 3). Congrats!

It's time for the awards ceremony: gold medal for the worse social network to keep you data safe once you are dead, or you are alive, to Reddit! Silver medal goes to Instagram and bronze medal to Twitter and Elon Musk. Congratulations to all winners!


Place 1: multiple unsense subreddit bans, random user bans, previous important subreddits bans (even big and crucial subreddits, we don't mean related to politics...). Reddit gives a shit to your data at all (doesn't matter this obsession with Reddit API, this was already before that). Plus all posts get deleted once an user/admin is banned and dead (if no one other approve such banned post again), etc.

Place 2: check r/facebookdisabledme #facebookdisabledme

Place 3: multiple government channels banned previous with no sense (some of these we already reported on various socials), same for influencers or normal users, the introduction of new rules for account that are inactive, ban in background of random accounts in Instagram style, etc.

Place 4: Google services, due to the introduction of new inactivity rules, even if "Google is not really a social network". YouTube is nothing better, due to all unsense bans. There are correct bans due to copyright, but even tons of random bans with no reason.

Facebook compared to Instagram currently works better, so we haven't considered it. Plus Facebook is offering various tools etc. which can be done already now when you are still alive ...
Lemmy a so called alternative to Reddit that 1) show you a message signup closed when you try to signup WTF 2) is not compact like Reddit 3) is not used by a lot 4) r/da... project is a fail on Lemmy 5) Videos are opened in YouTube 6) ... at this point SaidIt is much better, but still shit, like previously shared

BUT yes, the design is similar to Reddit. Features instead not

TO MAKE IT CLEAR: USAGE IS NOT = QUALITY. So not just because Lemmy is having low usage, means that Lemmy is directly shit. Like we shared multiple times people use social with using the brain and comparing features properly. There are many good socials (not perfect!) that in 2023 are still ignored by people ...
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Let we discuss this scene about the previous Reddit API protest videos: 1) There is NOOOOOOOO alternative to Reddit 2) SaidIt, who says is an alternative, bans more than Reddit = is just shit 3) The only "true alternatives" are: Telegram, Discord, Facebook/Gab Groups, Russian Socials Networks, but is still not the same as using Reddit! (even if Reddit is not perfect and full of bans!)

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