English Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal Verbs Cards: Learn English Phrasal Verbs. Popular phrasal verbs with pictures and explanation.
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🟣hear of

when you learn about something or someone.

⭕️For example:

"I know some people who have never heard of surfboarding."
🟣fall through

if things do not go as planned, or if a plan, deal or agreement fails.

⭕️For example:

"The job offer fell through because they couldn't secure a budget for the position."
🟣follow up

to find out more about something, or take further action in regards to it.

⭕️For example:

"I called Amazon to follow up on the order I placed last week."
🟣monkey around with

to try to play with or repair a device that you have no true knowledge about.

⭕️For example:

"Are you really a certified technician? I don't want anyone monkeying around with my computer."
🟣narrow down

to reduce the number of options or possibilities

⭕️For example:

"The footprint helped the police narrow down their list of suspects to just men."
🟣crack up

burst into laughter

⭕️For example:

"She tries to keep a straight face, but she keeps cracking up."
🟣dash off

write something quickly or hastily

⭕️For example:

"I dashed off a quick letter."
🟣dumb down

simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people.

⭕️For example:

"Critics have accused publishers of dumbing down books"
🟣wrap up

To cover something with some kind of special paper.

⭕️For example:

"We need to wrap up all these gifts in two hours. Let's get started!"
🟣wear out

when something is damaged or weakened from use and age.

⭕️For example:

"The carpet looks worn out, we should replace it. "
🟣Dry up

when all the liquid and /or moisture evaporates.

⭕️For example:

"The streets will dry up once the sun is out. "
🟣Get behind

To learn, work, or progress more slowly than others

⭕️For example:

"He had gotten behind in his classes because he was always absent."
🟣conjure up

to present to the mind; evoke or imagine

⭕️For example:

"He conjured up a picture of his childhood"
🟣dish out

Put food onto a plate or plates before a meal.

⭕️For example:

"He begins dishing out bowls of strawberry ice cream"
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English phrasal verb - “run (something) by (someone)” 🗣️

This phrasal verb means to tell someone about something so they can give their opinion about it.


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English phrasal verb - “cough (something) up” 🫴🏻

This phrasal verb means to give something unwillingly, especially money.


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