Lucu banget cewe bumi ya? We called it Karina Go Green, secara personal ngeselin dikit soalnya sering memancing keributan. One of mu first thought about Moonery that girl with a soft-hearted and nice personality, she will give all of her attention if you come to her. Terlepas dari semuanya juga dia nyebelin kaya yg gua mention diatas, cewe bumi ngeselin tapi lucu dan tidak sombong
Ini awalan buruk, baru pertama kali ini gua ketemu anak rp yg ngeselin sumpah dah pengen gua banting ke lantai. Nama lu bagus Keith gua suka sama nama lu soalnya suitable, sebenernya gaada yg salah disini karena gua pikir dia ini cantik kalem terus ramah ya eh pas tau aslinya tadi langsung tarik nafas panjang. Gua belajar lagi dan lagi soal dont judge book by its cover, salam kenal ya
Dude Natheo my first time to give you a bit description, ok this is normal because after i stalk you then it gives like dont give a shit people impression but i think you’re not scary as you do. Sama kaya yang lain karena gua belum tau banyak soal lu, the choice to be friends you not bad at all
My first thought for you is really really cute hahahah dari nama nya aja udah selucu itu dah lu Nami, pernah lihat lu di tempat lain dan emang se lucu itu dia ini kaya bocah tk apa jangan jangan masih umur 4 tahun? Setelah dipertimbangkan gua putusin kalo lu sedikit ngeselin dan berisik, i dont think it’s bad because being like that makes something feels fun. Ntmy Namibelle
Your name reminds me of something and of course suits you well with your muse, dari setup nya udah keliatan cantik wkwk idk why i like the combination of the blend of your set up and once again its suits you so damn well Ray. Janji gak tim bubur disuapin arthur?
My first impressions towards you that your energy is really noisy alias bocah kematian gokil abis, baru pertama kali juga lihat di Nero Forte dan bisa dilihat gimana dia texting, gak bakalan quite so loud doang pas ngobrol bareng Yaesha. Beneran dah lu kayanya se gokil itu buat diajak temenan atau sekedar ngobrol, how do you respond to person is very pleasant. Nice to meet you Yaesha Oh Pratya i’ve seen you before and right now i’m stalking your account, your name is really cool i bet you dude😁 and after thinking for a long time i thought you were a quiet person (?) sorry if its wrong or different from the real one but seeing you interact also doesnt seem bad to be friends with. Nice to meet you P
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📝Do hit your wheels at our place and take a limited seat to Manchester Highway. Trusted to deliver excellence like nothing else on earth, 2-1-23 called by RR. For you and us; @NeroFortesBot+ @NeroForrte2. Heap Grats.