FactsTelegramFreaks : Important topics analysed with a scientific approach and facts - Knowledge is the new gold, not bullshit!

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Italy NR 1 in recycling ... please LESS BULLSHIT!

Sure they improved ... if we check such stats

🇮🇹 2021 257 recycled 495 generated = 52%
🇩🇪 2022 410 recycled 593 generated = 69%

Let we remember that stats are shit! and doesn't reflect the reality! and recycling of what???!

Many countries have already reached the 2030 recycling target for packaging https://perma.cc/6UW3-MFQX

In 2021, Slovenia (50.0%), Belgium (49.2%) and the Netherlands (48.9%) recycled half, or almost half, of their plastic packaging waste generated. In contrast, less than one-quarter of plastic packaging waste was recycled in Malta (20.5%), France (23.1%) and Sweden (23.8%) https://perma.cc/4VYT-EL5A

In 2021, rates ranged from 68% in Germany to 11% in Romania. Nine countries, namely Germany, Austria, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Italy achieved recycling rates of 50% or higher, while another four countries (Cyprus, Malta, Türkiye and Romania) recycled less than 20% of municipal waste https://perma.cc/ZN35-LLC8

In 2022, Austrian (827 kg per person), Danish (787 kg), and Luxembourgish (720 kg) citizens generated the highest amount of municipal waste. The lowest amount was generated in Romania (301 kg), Poland (364 kg), and Estonia (373 kg).

Austria (516 kg), Denmark (411 kg), and Germany (409 kg) had the highest amount of recycled waste per person. On the other hand, Romania (36 kg), Malta (75 kg), and Greece (90 kg) had the lowest amount.

What about food waste??!
Italy is wasting fruits, vegetables and meat!

Let we remember such things requires A LOT OF WATER! Means this is a waste of water! but yes, let we talk about Italy is NR1 in recycling ... 🤦‍♂️

Irrigated citrus (55%), cotton (57%), sun flower (62%) and vegetables (52%) with a total average annual water demand > 32 km3.

Different food products have different carbon intensities: 🥇🍅