Bundeswehr Militär Armee - Nachrichten und Sicherheit auf Telegram Deutschland: Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine, Polizei

Логотип телеграм канала Bundeswehr Militär Armee - Nachrichten und Sicherheit auf Telegram Deutschland: Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine, Polizei
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Ein Projekt von TelegramDeutscheFreaks - Deutschland auf Telegram: @DeutschlandTelegram @MissionDeutschland @MissionDeutsch @VerbrechenMeldenTelegram @WarnmeldungenDeutschland
RT @GermanyDiplo: Russia’s war of aggression against #Ukraine is also a brutal attack on international law. The ratification of the Rome Statute by Ukraine is an important signal that strengthens international law and @IntlCrimCourt. Welcome to the #ICC as the 125th member.

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GermanyDiplo: To end impunity, we must strengthen the #ICC and his jurisdiction over the crime of aggression. @GermanyOnIntLaw gathered colleagues and scholars in The Hague for an in-depth discussion on the way forward.

Looking ahead to 2025: Thank you to State representatives, scholars and civil society organizations for joining us today at @GermanyinNL for in-depth discussions on the upcoming review of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression @IntlCrimCourt https://t.co/5vzWhJQ4ZZ
- Tania von Uslar

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GermanAmbUN_NY: Honoured to have Dr. Ute Hohoff, German candidate for election as a judge to the International Criminal Court here in New York. Germany is committed to support the mission of the #ICC: to bring justice to the victims and preventing future crimes.

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GermanyUN: 1998: The Rome Statute of the Int’l Criminal Court was adopted 25 years ago. @IntlCrimCourt prosecutes war crimes & crimes against humanity. @ABaerbock highlighted🇩🇪’s goals to modernize int’l law & to close gaps during the #ICC anniversary ceremony in NY #50years🇩🇪🇺🇳 #throwback
🇩🇪 FM @ABaerbock had a clear compass for today‘s visit at the UN in New York: #LawNotWar.

Marking the 25th anniversary of the #RomeStatute with a bold look forward. Putting humanity in the spotlight at the #UNSC as response to Russia’s unscrupulous deportation of children.
- Germany in the United Nations

Germany at NATO

Bundeswehr by @BundeswehrTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme