Real Ben Shapiro Bullshit exposed - Facts behind the 🇮🇱 Israel dude Benjamin Aaron Shapiro / Show believing in Hebraic religion

Логотип телеграм канала Real Ben Shapiro Bullshit exposed - Facts behind the 🇮🇱 Israel dude Benjamin Aaron Shapiro / Show believing in Hebraic religion
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Here we go: 🤦‍♂️ Papa Francesco: «L’aborto è omicidio, la Chiesa non sia politica»

The most striking evidence for a multistepped development of episodic memory comes from infantile and childhood amnesia. Infantile amnesia refers to the absence of recall, by adults, of personal memories that occurred before the age of 2. Childhood amnesia refers to the scarcity of personal memories that occurred between the ages of 2 and 6 that can be recalled by adults.

These phenomena have been known for a long time (e.g., Strachey, 1953) and were demonstrated experimentally by studies asking participants to recall personal memories, regardless of their age at the time of the event: the temporal distribution of thousands of memories recalled by hundreds of participants showed that very few occurred between the ages of 2–6 years old (childhood amnesia), and that none occurred prior to the age of 2 (infantile amnesia) (Rubin, 2000; Newcombe et al., 2007; Bauer, 2015b). The exact causes of infantile and childhood amnesia are not known and the similarity between the underlying mechanisms of these phenomena is unclear. Infantile amnesia could be explained by an absence of an episodic-like memory system during infancy.

12 Weeks Gestational Age: All major body organs are formed although they are not able to function outside of the uterus.

16 Weeks Gestational Age: By this age it is possible to distinguish the sex of the fetus.

18 Weeks Gestational Age: A fetus at this age will be unable to survive if born prematurely because it is much too small and the organs are too immature

24 Weeks Gestational Age: With expert high-risk newborn medical attention, 60% of the infants born now will live. All will have extensive Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) stays.

26 Weeks Gestational Age: These babies will have extensive ICN stays and almost 30% will have a permanent disability.

30 Weeks Gestational Age: However, if the baby is born now it will still need expert medical help.

There is a difference between killing a fetus & humans animals
One to one with Ben Shapiro about Death Penalty and Abortion

Ben Shapiro, babies are NOT innocent people! because they are NOT PEOPLE!
We already talked about that multiple times
etc ...

The survival rate of preterm infants with gestational age of 24 weeks was 30%, with a major di erence equalling 38% when compared to the survival rate of preterm infants with gestational age of 27 weeks (68%).

Don't forget that fetus die even BEFORE being humans ...

Near dying without incubator 🤦‍♂️

Deterrent less important
EXACLY! WHO GIVES A SHIT TO SUCH DETERRENT! Is not the whole point of having a death penalty!!! and you will never know that!

If you rape and kill a child you should die
NOPE! You should die even if you just rape the child!
Plus we don't support this "kill by kill" bullshit!

Death penalty properly applied in USA? NOPE, is not!

It's full of discrimination, errors, ignorance!

Remember, is NOT about numbers, is about QUALITY! You can kill one year 0 people and 10000 people the next year ... This is fine, if such things got applied correctly!
The patient was counselled and admitted to hospital for close monitoring. However, at 33 weeks gestation, six weeks following admission, she went into spontaneous labour and was subsequently delivered vaginally of a dead female leading twin (papyraceus) and a live female second twin.

They weighed 300g and 2100g respectively, with a diamniotic-dichorionic placentation.
Anatophoric dysplasia (TD) is a rare and lethal skeletal dysplasia with an estimated incidence of 1 in 20000 to 40000 births

TD can be classi ed into two types: type I is characterized by micromelia with bowed femurs and, uncommonly, the presence of cloverleaf skull deformity; type II is characterized by micromelia with straight femurs and moderate to severe cloverleaf skull deformity

A common feature to both types is the presence of a narrow thorax which causes respiratory failure shortly a er birth

A 400g female fetus was delivered dead at 20 weeks and 2 days of gestation. All limbs were noted to be extremely short with redundant skin folds.
Abortion Part 2

Just a reminder: ANIMALS DON'T USE INCUBATORS! we as human are the only one using incubators ... so stop seeing an abortion as a crime, if we use technologies to keep fetus alives ...

Part 1

The results of statistics in Iran show that in 1980,13% of new-born were preterm, while in 2006 more than 30% of births were preterm. Infants who born before 37 weeks of the gestation periodare known as preterm or premature babies.

Preterm baby requires surrounding exactly similar as in the womb to cope with the external environment. An infant incubator provides stable levels of temperature, relative humidity, light condition and oxygen level up to an extent in which the preterm have same condition as in the womb.

Prematurity is defined as a birth that occurs before 37 completed weeks (less than 259 days) of gestation. It is associated with approximately one-third of all infant deaths in the United States.

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye disorder that occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow and spread throughout the retina, and is known to be the leading cause of blind- ness in premature infants [19].
A study of preterm infants of gestational age <33 weeks admitted to the Special Care Nursery of Dhaka Shishu Hospital in Bangladesh found that 5 out the 114 (4.4%) children seen in follow-up were diagnosed with ROP [22].

Cerebral palsy describes a group of disorders of movement and posture that are attributed to non-progressive dis- turbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. There is emerging evidence, however, that CP rates in high-income settings are decreasing for all but the most immature (<28 weeks) and lowest birth- weight (<1000 g) babies.

in Norway a study found that at 19–35 years of age, nearly one in nine persons who had been born at 23–27 weeks of gestation received a disability pension, as compared with 1 of 59 born at term.

Less religious bullshit, more facts!