iloveyou... @amphoreuus ♡
status: never for sale.
Dear @Telegram & @Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
my soulmate, my future, my darling, my love, my idol, my soul mate, my other half, my world, my moon, my sun, my mercury, my venus, my earth, my Mars, my Jupiter, my Saturn, my Uranus, my Neptune, my Pluto, my orbit, my world axis, my universe, my beauty, my beloved, my love, all my love and affection, my sky, my clouds, my universe and everything in it, cupcake, my honey bunny sweetie, pumpkin, pie, muffin, buttercup, princess, sugar, cookie, sweet pea, cutie lil patootie, pookie, precious, sunshine, butter, honey, mon amour, mon cherié, mon trésor, ma beauté, mon coeur, mon bebé, mon nounours, mon coco, mi corazón, cariño, mi vida, cielo, preciosa, mi amado, phainon!