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Тут на днях сети принесли colab с TPU где можно немножко позапускать полноценную GPT-J-6B (это такая народная open source версия GPT-3). Среда заваривается минут 15 в общей сложности, но потом обработка одного промпта происходит достаточно быстро, секунд за 10. Попробовал заставить её генерировать анекдоты про математиков в баре, делюсь с вами результатами (почти без черри-пикинга): A mathematician walks into a bar. A mathematician and a philosopher stand by the bar, in conversation, and a bartender is doing his rounds. The mathematician says to the philosopher, “You know that art and philosophy are branches of mathematics, don’t you?” The philosopher says, “Yes, I knew you’d eventually ask that question.” A 0 of mathematicians walk into a bar, and they are immediately thrown out because "0 is used for zero" or some other way of saying "0 is a number". An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar, and just one gets his research published. Who is that? An negative number of mathematicians walk into a bar, and say "I'm actually going to be less than zero". A transcendental number of mathematicians walk into a bar, and hear one mathematician say, "Look, I've found the best beer in town." This mathematician says, "And look, I've found the best steak in town." A quaternion number of mathematicians walk into a bar, A pair of discrete logarithms, A prime gap, A clash of protocols, A geometrical proof, A product of exiles, A cosmic lie, A shape-changing goblet, A parallelogram of regular solids, An obstruction course, A normal subgroup, An impulse of bits, An irrational number of settings ...
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