`·..ℳassive 𝒮alutation 𝒯elelings !
𝐖e from
@MARKASGRNZOFC bring new news for you!! ´・ᴗ・ Now the gateway to join
@MARKASGENZOFC has been opened to anyone of you who is interested but also has the intention. We are currently holding
𝐎pen 𝐌embers for those of you who want to enliven the base And we are also looking ⌕ for
𝐀dmins to help rebuild
𝓘f you are interested in being part of us, pay attention to the available
𝐑ules, don't forget to use the
𝐀ttributes and please send the format if you feel you can fulfill it. ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ
We will wait for you !!