Бот закупок, но я смогла выгрызти с него один нормальный хед:
Алебарда, из которой создали Алебарда, на самом деле очень дорога Зонтику, и он держит ее запертой в одном из своих сейфов. Он держит ее там как своего рода представление хороших воспоминаний из прошлого и потому, что он беспокоится, что если ее оставить лежать где попало, она может сломаться (что довольно часто случается с другим оружием в замке).
His first subject, Shield, is currently the leader of a "sect" who believes that since Umbrella has never been out in public, Halberd is above him and only deceives people under the guise of good intentions. At the same time, Halberd is very stern, but kind and loyal to Umbrella and tries to please him. Unfortunately, Halberd's methods are often too radical, which leads to bad consequences. For example, Halberd strengthened Umbrella's religion so that people would be loyal to him, but the Atali people are so religious that they began to hate those who disagree with their opinions. Umbrella and the others live in the country of Zontopia, where a lot of things are made of blue.
Нашла бота который может генерировать хедканоны. Сейчас пытаюсь сгенерировать что-то для Зонтика.
Если тоже интересно сгенерировать что-то для Зонтика, вот какое описание его как персонажа (ЗК) я использовала. Написала в нём мало, чтобы бот не запутался: He is a sweet and kind guy, but apparently has social anxiety. He created his first subject from his Shield, and then locked himself in the castle. Umbrella's only close subordinate is his halberd, which he turned into a man named Halberd, but Umbrella has a bad relationship with him. Umbrella founded his own and ruled it remotely, so none of his subjects except Halberd know anything about him. Sometimes Umbrella goes out for a walk and looks at his subjects, but often this ends badly for him for the most serious reasons.