↟ Glaðr Ljóssi - Glad Lucia ↟
❄️ Today, the 13st of December we celebrate a very old tradition here in Scandinavia originally called "Ljóssi" - Lucia. At the darkest time of the year here in our pre-Christian North, we had a tradition that was linked to light, darkness and the course of the year. The tradition was also often called "Mother Night", and is celebrated just a few days before the wheel is turning - The Winter Solstice.
❄️ Lucia is a tradition held to welcome the return of the light, and is a symbol of a light-bringing female. Earlier back in the days, women of each tribe climbed the highest hill or mountain in the area dressed in white and light to watch the horizon for a sign of the light returning. This has it's original origins from the pagan light-goddesses Frigg and Sól - Sunna, and the red belt around the waist of Lucia symbolize fertility...- continues in comment below