Ethio Jobs Vacancy™

Logo of the Telegram channel Ethio Jobs Vacancy™
የስራ ማስታወቂያ ከጋዜጣ ፣ ከቲቪና ራዲዮ ፣ ከማስታወቂያ ቦርድ ፣ ከድህረ-ገፅና ከማህበራዊ ሚዲያና ከመሳሰሉት ቦታዎች በአንድ ቦታ ተሰብስበው ያግኙ:: #Group #የመዝናኛ ቻናል For promotion 📩 @Share_Home
ግንቦት 8/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ
1 ቦታ በ0አመት ... 1 ቦታ ልምድ ላለው/ላላት

Professions for 0 year:

Professions With Exp:

Deadline: May 30, 2022
Salary: 3,488 - 12,180
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ሌሎች የስራ ማስታዎቂያዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት 👇👇👇
መጋቢት 18/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

❇️ #addis_abeba_abattoirs_enterprise ❇️
5 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 4 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#electronics 🔍 ,
#mechanic 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#automotive_engineering 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#electrical_engineering 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,

Deadline: April 08, 2022
Salary: 3,968 - 6,443
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት 👇👇👇👇
ጥር 21/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

📌 #ethiopian_standards_agency 📌
2 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 12 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#baresta 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#cook 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,

Deadline: February 04, 2022
Salary: 1,854 - 6,193
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ጥር 18/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟧 #national_disaster_risk_management_commission 🟧
5 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 7 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#purchasing 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,
#transport_managment 🔍 ,

Deadline: February 09, 2022
Salary: 4,020 - 6,055
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ጥር 10/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟦 #marathon_motor_engineering_plc 🟦
94 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ...

Professions for 0 year:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#automotive_engineering 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#industrial_engineering 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#software_engineering 🔍 ,

Deadline: January 28, 2022
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ጥር 10/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟦 #marathon_motor_engineering_plc 🟦
94 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ...

Professions for 0 year:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#automotive_engineering 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#industrial_engineering 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#software_engineering 🔍 ,

Deadline: January 28, 2022
Location: #addis_ababa,

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ኅዳር 24/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ
#industrial_park_development_corporation 🟩
6 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 5 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍
#logistics 🔍
#management 🔍
#purchasing 🔍
#supplies_management 🔍

Professions With Exp:
#applied_chemistry 🔍
#civil_engineering 🔍
#electrical_engineering 🔍

#electricity 🔍 ,
#electro_mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#environmental_science 🔍 ,
#general_mechanics 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#security_management 🔍
Deadline: December 10, 2021
Salary: 3,983 - 13,353
Location: #jimma

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
Ethio Jobs Vacancy
ጥቅምት 7/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

❇️ #ethiopian_ministry_of_revenues ❇️
14 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 23 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auditing 🔍 ,
#banking 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#cooperative_accounting 🔍 ,
#cooperative_management 🔍 ,
#development_management 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#human_resource_management 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#leadership 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,
#public_administration 🔍 ,
#public_finance_management 🔍 ,
#statistics 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auditing 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#banking 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#communication 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#cooperative_accounting 🔍 ,
#cooperative_management 🔍 ,
#development_economics 🔍 ,
#development_management 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#electronics 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#insurance 🔍 ,
#journalism 🔍 ,
#kindergarten_teacher 🔍 ,
#language_and_literature 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#marketing 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#political_science 🔍 ,
#public_finance_management 🔍 ,
#purchasing 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,
#wood_work 🔍 ,

Deadline: October 25, 2021

Location: #addis_ababa,

ጥቅምት 1/2014 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟧 #injibara_university 🟧
7 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 5 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#environmental_science 🔍 ,
#geography 🔍 ,
#gis 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#urban_managment 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#development_management 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#marketing 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#project_management 🔍 ,
#public_finance_management 🔍 ,
#statistics 🔍 ,
#water_engineering 🔍 ,

Deadline: October 25, 2021
Location: #amhara

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ነሐሴ 30/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🔔 #national_transport_plc 🔔
... 45 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#automotive_engineering 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#general_mechanics 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#logistics 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#marketing 🔍 ,
#mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#public_administration 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,
#transport_managment 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 24, 2021
Location: #adama, #dire_dawa, #addis Ababa.

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
ነሐሴ 26/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟥 #ethiopian_textile_industry_development_institute 🟥
8 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 19 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#manufacturing_technology 🔍 ,
#motor_driver 🔍 ,
#nurse 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auditing 🔍 ,
#banking 🔍 ,
#business_education 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#cooperative_accounting 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#international_relations 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#library_and_information_science 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#political_science 🔍 ,
#psychology 🔍 ,
#public_administration 🔍 ,
#record_management 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#sociology 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 08, 2021
Salary: 2,799 - 4,609
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ፈጣን የስራ ማስታዎቂያዎች በስልካቹህ እንዲደርሳቹህ ሊንኩን ይጫኑት 👇👇👇
ነሐሴ 26/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟥 #ethiopian_textile_industry_development_institute 🟥
8 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 19 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#manufacturing_technology 🔍 ,
#motor_driver 🔍 ,
#nurse 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auditing 🔍 ,
#banking 🔍 ,
#business_education 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#cooperative_accounting 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#international_relations 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#library_and_information_science 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#political_science 🔍 ,
#psychology 🔍 ,
#public_administration 🔍 ,
#record_management 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#sociology 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 08, 2021
Salary: 2,799 - 4,609
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ፈጣን የስራ ማስታዎቂያዎች በስልካቹህ እንዲደርሳቹህ ሊንኩን ይጫኑት 👇👇👇
ነሐሴ 26/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦️ #ethioian_social_health_institute ♦️
1 ቦታ በ0አመት ... 4 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#construction 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#wood_work 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 08, 2021
Location: #addis_ababa

👉ፈጣን የስራ ማስታዎቂያዎች በስልካቹህ እንዲደርሳቹህ ሊንኩን ይጫኑት 👇👇👇
ነሐሴ 22/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟧 #tbo_printing_and_publishing_s_c 🟧
... 25 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#clerk 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#fine_art 🔍 ,
#forklift_operator 🔍 ,
#general_mechanics 🔍 ,
#general_technician 🔍 ,
#graphic_design 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#marketing 🔍 ,
#material_management 🔍 ,
#motor_driver 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#purchasing 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 07, 2021
Location: #addis_ababa,
ሙሉ ዝርዝሩን ለመመልከት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ
👇 👇


ነሐሴ 22/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

❇️ #economy_and_finanace_office ❇️
4 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ...

Professions for 0 year:
#logistics 🔍 ,
#purchasing 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 10, 2021
Salary: 3934
Location: #addis_ababa

ነሐሴ 13/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟣 #adama_science_and_technology_university 🟣
9 ቦታዎች በ0አመት ... 27 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions for 0 year:
#computer_engineering 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#driver 🔍 ,
#electrical_engineering 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#management_information_system_mis 🔍 ,

Professions With Exp:
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#business_management 🔍 ,
#civics 🔍 ,
#civil_engineering 🔍 ,
#communication 🔍 ,
#computer_engineering 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#construction 🔍 ,
#construction_technology_and_management 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#electrical_engineering 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#electro_mechanical_engineering 🔍 ,
#electronics 🔍 ,
#federalism 🔍 ,
#finance_management 🔍 ,
#gender 🔍 ,
#geography 🔍 ,
#industrial_chemistry 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#international_relations 🔍 ,
#journalism 🔍 ,
#language_and_literature 🔍 ,
#law 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#marketing 🔍 ,
#mechanic 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#project_management 🔍 ,
#psychology 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#social_sciences 🔍 ,
#sociology 🔍 ,
#supplies_management 🔍 ,
#wood_work 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 02, 2021
Salary: 2,799 - 3,934
Location: #adama


ነሐሴ 13/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

⬜️ #jinka_university ⬜️
... 35 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions With Exp:
#accounting 🔍 ,
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#auto_mechanic 🔍 ,
#automotive_technology 🔍 ,
#business_administration 🔍 ,
#computer_science 🔍 ,
#economics 🔍 ,
#education_management 🔍 ,
#education_planning_management 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#engineering 🔍 ,
#governance_and_development_studies 🔍 ,
#human_resource_management 🔍 ,
#information_science 🔍 ,
#information_system 🔍 ,
#information_technology 🔍 ,
#international_relations 🔍 ,
#library_and_information_science 🔍 ,
#management 🔍 ,
#mechanic 🔍 ,
#military_science 🔍 ,
#office_administration 🔍 ,
#peace_security 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#political_science 🔍 ,
#public_administration 🔍 ,
#secretary 🔍 ,
#social_sciences 🔍 ,
#sociology 🔍 ,
#statistics 🔍 ,
#truck_driver 🔍 ,

Deadline: September 02, 2021
Salary: 3,934 - 5,358
Location: #jinka

ሰኔ 10/2013 ዓ.ም. የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🟩 #custom_commission 🟩
... 7 ቦታዎች ልምድ ላላቸው

Professions With Exp:
#auto_electrician 🔍 ,
#child_care 🔍 ,
#construction_technology_and_management 🔍 ,
#electricity 🔍 ,
#plumber 🔍 ,
#wood_work 🔍 ,

Deadline: June 25, 2021
Salary: 4,828-13,184
Location: #addis_ababa,

👉ሌሎች ስራዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት .
​​#new_vacancy ⬇️

🔰Elmi Olindo Contractors Private Limited Company
Vacancy Announcement

1⃣ Position: #Electrical_Engineer


Qualification: BSC Degree in Electrical Engineering or related
• Experience: Six years or above experience

2⃣ Position: #Legal_Advisor


Qualification: LLB Degree in Law from a recognized university
• Experience: Three years or above experience

3⃣ Position: Personnel Officer


Qualification: BA Degree in Human Resource Management or related
• Experience: Three years or above experience

4⃣ Position: General Foreman


Qualification: Diploma in Building Construction or related
• Experience: Seven years or above experience

5⃣ Position: #Draftsman


Qualification: Diploma in Drafting or related
• Experience: Three years or above experience

6⃣ Position: #Auto_Electrician


Qualification: Minimum 10+3 or above from recognized technical training Institution in Auto Electrician
• Experience: Three years or above experience

7⃣ Position: #Bus_Driver


Qualification: 12 grade complete and have driving License Grade 4 or above
• Experience: Five years or above experience

8⃣ Position: #Welder

◼️Qualifications/Skills• Qualification: Advanced Knowledge in Welding
• Experience: Three years or above experience

◼️How to Apply

• Interested applicants should submit in person or by mail their non-returnable application with CVs & relevant documents within 8 working days from the date of this announcement, on first floor of Turkana Building at Lideta sub city woreda 08 Geja Sefer to Mola Maru road just next to CBE.
• For further information please call +251-11-557-62-49/53/54/57/58/62
• Fax: +251-11-113 20 58 89, P.O.Box 4215
• E-mail
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

🅾Deadline 👉October 24

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