You can watch the houses burn, but I didn't see anything else burning, and didn't see the fires paths in between the houses where the fire spread from one house to another.
Never forget what they coersed people into under the simple tactic of FEAR.
Use this time to prepare your hearts, minds and spirits to endure and remain in Peace throughout any future fear psyops that the enemy may be concocting.
Remember Jesus said: "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken"
Only the Holy Spirit can give us the peace that surpasses all understanding. Our eyes may see people appearing to die for no reason, zombie like behavior...FEAR NOT. And do not FALL FOR the supposed SOLUTION 💉the enemy will suggest as your blessed hope. He is the father of Lies and was from the beginning.
Leaning into Holy Spirit for deep discernment now will serve us well. ❤️