6 minutes that will change your life on Telegram FOREVER! We are showing JUST SOME!!! of the features available, which make TELEGRAM THE BEST SOCIAL WORLDWIDE! (even if people still don't understand that 🤦♂️ ...) https://t.center/NoComparisonTelegram
b) you DON'T NEED to join all channels if you are not interested. You can join all and remove them later or you can select them before join the folder
c) you can remove all folder and channels, or you can remove just the folder (= so you can join other folders ...) or you can remove a folder by keeping some channels
True TikTokFreaks should already know that both apps are necessary for a proper usage, but Telegram Stable / Beta remain without discussion the winner!
One of the worse thing a Telegram user can do is thinking "i don't need two Mac Apps!". Never and again NEVER! use just one Mac App, except if you want to be like average users missing 50% of the features without even be able to find Telegram channels properly! Both apps are totally different and cannot be considered as alternative.
If you are using Telegram Desktop based Mac Apps (Bettergram, Desktop, Kotatogram, iMe, Telegreat, Telegram Lite, Desktop Beta), then you need to change at least one option:
1: Setting / Advanced / Manage Local Storage —> minimum
2: Setting / Advanced / Automatic Media Download / In private chats / groups / channels —> optionally you can turn that off
The answer is pretty simply. It depends which MacOS app are you using. If you are using Telegram for MacOS (Stable or Beta Apple CPU compatible or not), you need to change the following option:
Setting / Data and Storage / Storage Usage —> Maximum cache size to the minimum and auto remove after 1 day for all three options.