❗️Against the backdrop of Durov's arrest, Zuckerberg suddenly admitted that there was censorship on his social networks. He blamed the Biden administration.
We recalled the main scandals:▪️On 27 August, the boss confessed to restricting the dissemination of material about the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop related to drug trafficking and prostitution;
▪️In February, Malaysian blogger Ian Miles Chon claimed that Facebook had restricted the display of Vladimir Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson at the request of the White House;
▪️Last July, the Threads social network cleaned up posts about cocaine found in the White House and the FBI investigation;
▪️The FBI used Facebook to recruit Russians for espionage, according to Fox News;
▪️In December 2022, the Daily Mail reported that ex-agents from the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies held senior positions at Facebook to censor "disinformation".
▪️In September 2022, the NYP revealed that Facebook had monitored the private messages of Americans who questioned the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election;
▪️A month earlier, Zuckerberg himself admitted for the first time to censorship during the US presidential election at the behest of the FBI;
▪️In the spring of 2021, the media reported that Facebook had leaked the full data of 533 million users from 106 countries;
▪️In 2020, Facebook was caught paying third-party companies to decrypt users' messages in order to collect data on them;
▪️Zuckerberg's platforms were actively censoring Russian media;
▪️Following the launch of a special military operation, the company's management allowed users in a number of countries to post publications inciting violence against Russian citizens and military personnel.