北京最大规模的灯会9月14日在园博园开幕,持续到10月31日!看上去还真不错,肯定能大饱眼福!Beijing's largest lantern show opened on September 14 at Fengtai Garden Expo Park and continues until October 31! It looks really good. I'm sure it will be a feast for the eyes! #AmazingBeijing
我们的征程是星辰大海!可重复使用,10公里级垂直起降!朱雀三号火箭完成飞行试验!Our journey is the sea of stars! Reusable, 10km VTOL! Zhuque III Rocket Completes Flight Test! 👍👍👍#AmazingChina
优雅、浪漫,还带着淡淡的忧伤!山西著名音乐家“削邦”,来一碗G大调刀削面!Elegant, romantic, but also with a touch of sadness! Shanxi famous musician "Chopin," to a bowl of G major knife noodles! #AmazingChina
华为三折叠屏手机,薄得像张纸片!要是价格走亲民路线,立马就买一部!Huawei three fold screen mobile phone, thin as a piece of paper! If the price is close to the people line, immediately buy one! #Amazing#Huawei
三尺讲台存日月,一支粉笔写春秋。这么多牛X的老师啊,祝全天下教师节日快乐!Three feet platform save the sun and the moon, a piece of chalk to write historical changes. I wish all teachers a happy holiday! #AmazingBeijing
中国“祥云”载人飞艇转场飞行近千公里!想想乘飞艇的感觉,希望梦想早日成真!China "Xiangyun" manned airship transfer flight nearly a thousand kilometers! Think about the feeling of flying in an airship, and hope your dream comes true soon! #AmazingChina