Innovation & technology have transformed countries’ ability to monitor & report on their forests. Find out how @FAO's @OpenForis has been helping in this digital story
RT @simon_sat: The #PalisadeFire in California, USA, seen from ignition yesterday until sunrise today. Seen by the @NOAASatellites GOES-18 weather sat, a vital tool for monitoring these fires.
Really dreadful situation - and several other fires pop up as well. Firefighters have a hard task.
🌍@NOAA's latest Arctic Report Card reveals dramatic shifts in the Arctic.
🔴 It’s increasingly evident: we must all adapt. Indigenous Knowledge and community-led research programs are essential to guiding effective #ClimateAction responses to these rapid Arctic changes.
It’s been over a month and 5 of our activists are still forbidden from leaving #SouthKorea after a peaceful protest against plastic waste, where they boarded a tanker that was about to load toxic plastic chemicals in the city of Daesan.
Happy #EarthRotationDay! As we celebrate this unique day that honors French physicist Léon Foucault, it is also fitting to recognize advancements in #EarthObservation technology. The upcoming #LandsatNext mission will revolutionize our ability to monitor and understand Earth. 🌎
RT @AidaGreenbury: “The underlying causes of biodiversity loss are the disconnection of people from nature and domination over nature and other people; the inequitable concentration of power and wealth; and the prioritization of short-term individual and material gains.”
RT @NASA_Marshall: A technology demonstration being delivered to the @NASAMoon as part of @NASA’s CLPS initiative could change how teams collect and study soil and rock samples on other planetary bodies.