چالش برای آرت! اگر ایدهی آرت ندارید این پیامو فوروارد کنید و منم بر اساس وایب چنلتون بهتون سه تا ایموجی رندوم میدم تا باهاشون کاراکتر بسازید ✨✨ ظرفیت : تا ۳۰ نفر
Making a pdf file pedophile oc is problematic and you can never change my mind. Stop normalizing pedophilia, we are fighting child abuse and child marriage and you are standing here telling me you made a pedophile oc and romanticised her feelings for a 6 yo boy? It's ok to make your own oc with problems but it's not ok to worship them!!!!