Duodenary pulchritudinous swans amid eir coryphée talaria, unerringness fete on. On this beauteous day, our ballet class is open to find our missing ballerinas;
Kim Chaewon,
Honda Hitomi, and
Choi Yena. Before becoming a part of us, there are some specifications you must follow, which are listed down below.
⊹ Using Kim Chaewon / Honda Hitomi / Choi Yena as your fixed muse. Not on a temporary swap or multichara conditions.
⊹ We don't need silent readers, two faces, spies and clone accounts (in a wrong way). We strictly forbid to be a part of our class.
⊹ Not on hiatus or thinking about to leave roleplayer. We need a ballerina who can attend our ballet classes for a long time!
⊹ Make sure that you can mingle with others, and also participate in all of our show plans. Talkative and crackheads will get extra points points from us!
If you feel like you are suitable for our ballet class, please contact our help center or our ballet teacher through
@BaloneRobot. See you soon in our class!