your pfp, hit diff gituu enak juga diliat liat soalnya rapih
traitor: pass aja, kamu serem!!
drivers license: cool, nice, mature
1 step forward, 3 steps back: 10/10 + tbh instant serotoin booster you're the best!
deja vu: 4 u: alice in wonderland, percy jackson, midnight sun
enough for you: kita ke car-free day, naik sepeda, tapi pulangnya jajan semua yang ada di deket situ + reminder you don't deserve to hurt all the time kak benjamin. You need to know that you are perfect exactly the way you are and nothing can convince you any different. Don't listen to negative people who try to tell you that you aren't good enough, hwaiting! <3
🥶😃🐯jealousy, jealousy: hug + must protect, hard to approach tapi gatau ya siapa tau aslinya kamu friendly
favorite crime: would you like some hot tea? because you look like one.
hope ur okay: V