⚡️A group of Syrian terrorists opened fire towards a unit of the Lebanese army stationed in the Syrian border.
The patrol members responded to the sources of fire, and a clash took place during which one of the soldiers was injured and transferred to a hospital for treatment.
“The military units deployed in the sector have taken strict security measures, and the necessary follow-up is being conducted on the incident.” — Statement
Enemy forces uproot the sign installed on the Qabrikha Junction road and steal it, provoking the people of the area by placing it on the back of a Merkava tank.
Fadi Hassouna, Ibrahim Al-Sheikh Ali, Muhammad Al-Lad'ah, Faisal Abu Al-Qumsan and Ayman Al-Jadi, who was waiting for his newborn at the hospital door.
Roaming the streets of a country that accepted you as a refugee during christmas time and preaching your religion on other people without their permission…and us normal muslims get hated on as a result of this smh.