World Meteorological Organization Scientists News as Videos on Telegram by GRT

Logo of the Telegram channel World Meteorological Organization Scientists News as Videos on Telegram by GRT
WMO scientists based on the Katharine Hayhoe suggestions - This is not a list created by @AnimalFreaks! ✍️ @WMOScientists 🖼 @WMOScientistsPhotos More @ClimateChangeScience @ScienceFactsChannels @FactsTelegramChannels @MeteoTelegram
RT @Ed_Matthew1: UKs last coal fired power station shuts down today. My quote in this article marks the global impact. Policies to end coal mean we have dropped from 40% power from coal 10 years ago to 0% today - a rapid exit inspiring others to follow. Gas must be next.…

Dr. Aaron Thierry

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Epäilemättä voidaan säätää lakeja, joiden nojalla jäsenten saamat sakkotuomiotkin riittäisivät ryhmän kieltämiseen.

Vaan mitähän se meinaisi vaikkapa Perussuomalaisille?

Järkevä ihminen miettisi ETUKÄTEEN, antaisiko valtion uutta valtaa tai valtuutta myös vastustajilleen.

Rikosoikeuden professori.

"Se edellyttää ryhmää, jonka toiminnassa syyllistytään rikoksiin, joista voidaan tuomita vähintään 4 vuoden vankeusrangaistukseen. On päivänselvää, ettei Elokapina koskaan täyttäisi mitään tällaista määritelmää."…
- Heidi Hagelin

Janne M. Korhonen

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Today the UK closes its last coal power station

There's a great documentary about the @GreenpeaceUK activists who in 2007 climbed Kingsnorth power station, & helped force a u-turn in Govt's policy

They must be feeling pretty chuffed today! #BeyondCoal

Dr. Aaron Thierry

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @ProfFeynman: Science isn't about knowing all the answers, it’s about asking the right questions.

Jingqiu Mao

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @Luiseach: mind when Kris Kristofferson came over, hugged her and told Sinéad O’Connor ‘don’t let the bastards get you down’ when she was being booed on stage, and then wrote this song about her

Adam Hartland

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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These would be astonishing scenes from Nepal, except for the fact that they are now happening somewhere on the planet almost every day.

This is what a shattered climate looks like.

More devastating video coming out of Katmandu, Nepal where at least 129 people have died, and dozens are missing in following severe flooding and landslides caused by heavy rain over the weekend....

Follow @volcaholic1 for reliable updates. #Flooding #Landslide
- Volcaholic 🌋

Bill McGuire

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
My mom just told me that aged 2 years old I asked her "But what is time?" and in retrospect that's less precocious zen wisdom, and more yet another sign of galloping ADHD. 😆

Julia Steinberger

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @milesbon: dont you EVER fucking underestimate the power of beans

Riff 🛵🐈‍⬛🐈🌽🫘🎃🌞

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @idnthavelockjaw: taking roleplay to the bedroom except we don’t have sex. and you’re the frail ill king and i’m your trusted scheming eunuch advisor

Riff 🛵🐈‍⬛🐈🌽🫘🎃🌞

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @_CatintheHat: Dear @bphillipsonMP

England’s CMO says we should be taking ventilation of public buildings a LOT more seriously.

He’s talking about places like SCHOOLS, which are major hubs of transmission, especially when the weather is cold & windows are kept shut.

Please DO something!!

"We should take ventilation of public buildings a lot more seriously and probably more vigorously than we previously had " @CMO_England @covidinquiryuk

🙏🏼 @AdamWagner1 @cv_cev
26th Sept 2024 #CovidInquiry

#CleanAir #Ventilation #Prevention #LongCovid #LongCovidKids
- Long Covid Kids - #LongCovidKids

Dr Michelle Cain was on strike #ucuRISING

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @tomi_nyman: Moni paikka on jo asuinkelvoton - ilman ilmastointia, joka vain pahentaa tilannetta. Tuttu Singaporessa arveli, ettei siellä voi enää asua 5 vuoden päästä, korkea lämpötila ja kosteus muuttuvat vaaralliseksi komboksi.

More than 3 months of temperatures over 38C in Las Vagas

More than 650 dead in Phoenix

These places are now only liveable because of AC

And its going to get worse in the years to come - much worse…
- Bill McGuire

Janne M. Korhonen

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @mikepohjola: Kansainväliset tarkkailijat: Israel tekee kansanmurhaa Gazassa.

Israelin armeija: Teemme kansanmurhaa Gazassa.

Israelin poliitikot: Teemme kansanmurhaa Gazassa.

Suomalaiset Israelin ystävät: Ihan itsepuolustusta siellä Gazassa harjoittavat vain! #freegaza #tulitaukonyt

Janne M. Korhonen

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
📢Just out: 2 articles showing impact of biota (earthworms & Bacillus subtilis) on CO2 removal by enhanced weathering and revealing that effects on soil organic matter are critical for CO2 balance @ArthurVienne @HarunNiron @pjfrings @SilPoblador @olga_vinduskova @RijndersJet

Sara Vicca

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @IAmPoliticsGirl: Are you listening workers….?

Trump: I hated to pay overtime. I hated it. I shouldn't say this, but I wouldn't pay it - Kamala HQ

Dr. Malini Nair 🇺🇦 🇮🇳

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @kestinen: Replying to @namm_t @AaltoC @veitera: Kannattaa lukaista tämä Jannen ketju.

Venäjän taktiikoista hajottaa demokratioita laitaoikeiston avulla on äskettäin saatu lisää mustaa valkoisella.

Ja uutinen ministeri Tavion päätöksestä evätä Suomen osallistuminen Ukrainaa tukevaan hankkeeseen tekee aiheesta liiankin ajankohtaisen.

- Janne M. Korhonen

Janne M. Korhonen

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Ya arkadaş Eylül ayının son günündeyiz, yağmur yağıyor ve sıcaklık 20 derece, "kış soğuğu" gibi saçma sapan haber yapmak zorunda mısınız? Bu havanın normali, Eylül sonuna hava böyle olur, bu mevsimde sıcaklık bir günde 7-8 derece düşer, ertesi gün de 7-8 derece artar.

Levent Kurnaz

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @generationloss: Remember that Chomsky was a Zionist who actually moved to Israel as a young man, came back saying it was the most racist society on earth, and has spent the rest of his life trying to get the western world to understand that.

a reporter asks Chomsky if he believes Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. He responds: No, the actual terrorists are the US and Israel, and the only reason Hezbollah is labelled as such by the Western media and political class is because they dare resist their genocidal mania - ☀️👀

Christopher Wright

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @madwixxy: This 👇 is what cutting through all the bullshit sounds like. #auspol

Jordan's FM Ayman Safadi on Friday responded to Netanyahu's claim Israel was surrounded by enemies by saying '57 Muslim-Arab countries want peace; within the context of Israel ending its occupation and a Palestinian state.' - Al Jazeera English

Christopher Wright

WMO Scientists on Telegram by @WMOScientists
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme