"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."
Chesty Puller paying respects to General Robert E. Lee at Lee Chapel, at a time, not so very long ago, when the university was ruled by men of honor and integrity.
Today is the official holiday for Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia. We donβt need the permission of Carpetbaggers and scalawag politicians to do our duty. Join the Va Flaggers as we pause to remember and honor two of the greatest men the world has ever known. Duty, honor, and valor...and an unwavering devotion to God and Commonwealth. What will you be doing today to honor their memory? #LestWeForget #LeeJacksonDay2025
135 years ago, E. Benjamin Andrews, then President of Brown University, himself a veteran of the Yankee army, said: "The question of greatness is a relative thing and we in America will probably always differ as to the rank of our prominent men. But if any American father were asked which of our great men he would most want his own son to resemble, that father, if he were wise, would be compelled to answer, "Robert E. Lee"."
Nothing can be added to that statement. Education can propose no finer service than to offer the character of Lee as the pattern upon which youth may shape its hope. #LeeJacksonDay2025
"They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance" Yankee General John Sedgwick spoke these words just moments before being shot dead by a Confederate sniper at Spotsylvania.
Photo: Confederate Sniper, by Don Troiani Historical Artist
Since the City Council of Lexington, Virginia voted to ban ALL flags (except the US, State and non-existent City flag) from flying on city light pole flag stands, rather than allow the flags of Lee and Jackson to fly for several days leading up to the Virginia State Lee-Jackson Holiday, AND voted to change the name of Stonewall Jackson Cemetery, the Virginia Flaggers have called for a FULL BOYCOTT of Lexington, Virginia. When we gather in huge numbers for the upcoming holiday and events, we ask that all participants make their arrangements for lodging, eating, and entertainment OUTSIDE of the town limits. This map provides an outline of the town boundaries. Please join us in making sure that the town that has turned its back on Lee and Jackson and its rich Confederate heritage, does not profit from what could have been a windfall of revenue to the struggling town. Honor Lee and Jackson...BOYCOTT LEXINGTON!
βAmongst those that are born of woman there beats not a bolder heart than that of Jefferson Davis. We are not ashamed to confess to a large amount of hero-worship for the man for when his Northern foes can find no better name than rebel and slave-owner. Never unduly elated by success, never dismayed by adversity, his voice rings out clear as a trumpet-call on the darkest day that befalls his country. Not Cato himself spoke to his little Senate at Utica with more dignity and steadfastness than does the Southern President when addressing his suffering fellow-countrymen.β
- The British Liverpool Albion Newspaper, January, 1865
Gift to The Virginia Flaggersβ Roadside Memorial Battle Flag fund in memory and honor of: *Pvt Wm H Carroll Co. B, 30th NC Infantry π«‘πΈπ΄ ~William C, Crewe, Va
To assist with our Roadside Memorial Battle Flag projects, please make checks payable βVirginia Flaggersβ and mail to: P.O. Box 157, Rice, VA 23966