
Technology and Applications
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مدیریت کانال :ساراسادات مکیان و فاطمه باقری کانال یوتیوب : اینستاگرام : ادمین ها: @SarasadatMakian @FatimaPhoenix


پرتغال (دانشگاه الگارو)

June 30 – July 4, 2025
🌍 Faro, Portugal

✅️ددلاین ارسال چکیده :
15 December, 2024

✅️محورهای کنفرانس:
Artificial intelligence and service robots;
Branding in tourism and hospitality;
Case studies on successful hospitality marketing programs;
Climate change and tourism development;
Community-based tourism;
Consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality settings;
Cruise tourism;
Development of conceptual models;
Emerging markets;
Film tourism;
Food tourism and food tourism marketing;
Future trends in tourism and hospitality marketing and management;
Gambling tourism;
Government intervention in tourism;
Health and safety issues in tourism and hospitality; Health, medical, spa, and wellness tourism;
Hospitality and tourism product development;
Hospitality finance;
Human resource issues in tourism and hospitality;
Innovation and product development in tourism and hospitality;
Knowledge Innovation in Hospitality Marketing and Management;
Legal issues in tourism and hospitality;
Methodological issues in tourism and hospitality;
Reputation and online reviews;
Revenue Management and pricing in tourism and hospitality;
Sustainable tourism policy and planning;
Technological issues in tourism and hospitality;
Tourism and hospitality education;
Tourism economics; Tourism forecasting;
Tourism, hospitality, and leisure marketing;
Transport and travel management.

اطلاعات تکمیلی:
914.6 KB

ENTER25 eTourism conference :eTourism towards 2060

گردشگری الکترونیک (لهستان)

17-21 February 2025
🌍 Wrocław, Poland

ددلاین :
Full Paper Up to 10 pages for Conference Proceedings deadline 1 September 2024

اطلاعات بیشتر در فایل ضمیمه قابل مشاهده است.

TOURISM and ITINERANCIES : from experiences to the challenges of adaptation, transformation and sustainability

گردشگری و مسیرهای سفر: از تجربیات تا چالش های سازگاری، تحول و پایداری (فرانسه)

🔔10 to 12 December 2024
🌍Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

ددلاین ارسال چکیده :
5 September 2024

اطلاعات بیشتر
Diversity & Sustainability: Opportunities and Threats on Tourism

کنفرانس : تنوع و پایداری: فرصت ها و تهدیدها در گردشگری (پرتغال)

🌍University of Coimbra, Portugal
🔔June 4 to 6, 2025

❗️Deadline : Abstract submission :September 25

خانم دکتر باقری هم از اعضای کمیته علمی این کنفرانس در دانشگاه کویمبرا (کشور پرتغال) هستند.

ENTER25 eTourism conference

🔔17-21 February 2025
🌍Wrocław, Poland

#کنفرانس گردشگری دیجیتال (لهستان)


ددلاین ارسال مقاله :Submission Deadline: 18 September 2024

📘موضوع کنفرانس
eTourism Towards 2060:
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) continue to revolutionize travel, tourism, and hospitality. Over 30+ years, the ENTER eTourism conference has been at the forefront of providing insight on the use and impact of new technologies for travel, tourism and hospitality practitioners and researchers. However, the rapid development and deployment of new developments, including Generative AI (GenAI), service robotics, Internet of Things, and Extended Realities (XR) technologies, among others, call for a rapid and careful reassessment of ICT in tourism, particularly including ethical and societal considerations. If an AI-assistant books the wrong itinerary, who is to blame? Will customer service bots replace human workers? What is best for both the tourist and the tourism industry, as well as economies and societies as a whole?

اطلاعات بیشتر :

International Congress on Sustainable Social Development

Campus de la Asunción in Jerez, Cádiz, Spain.

October 16-18 2024


-The deadline for submissions is 15 July.


اطلاعات بیشتر

5th International Conference on Tourism and Business (ICTB)

برگزار کننده:
Mahidol University International College (Thailand), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland), and Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland)

Bangkok, Thailand

21-23 August 2024


- Extended abstract or full paper submission due: 15 July 2024
- Notification of acceptance due: 31 July 2024
- Early bird registration: 1 April - 15 July 2024
- Regular registration: 16 July 2024 – 5 August 2024


اطلاعات بیشتر

II International Conference on Literary & Film Tourism; Routes, sustainability and digital media

برگزار کننده:
University of the Algarve, Portugal

17 & 18 January 2025


جزییات کنفرانس:
The School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism (Univ. of the Algarve, Portugal), the CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (Univ. of Barcelona, Spain), the Univ. of Caxias do Sul(Brazil), and the Univ. of Groningen (The Netherlands) invite researchers, professionals, and students to submit their research on the following thematic lines:

1. Route/Trail Design and Planning
2. Community Engagement and Stakeholder Collaboration:
3. Outdoor Recreation and Literary/Film Tourism
4. Accessibility and Inclusivity
6. Case Studies and Success Stories
7. Cultural and Historical Perspectives
For more information, visit the conference website.


اطلاعات بیشتر
فراخوان ارسال چکیده

عنوان #کنفرانس:
CenStates TTRA #Conference

About TTRA – TTRA is the leading advocate for higher travel and tourism-related research, analysis, and marketing standards.

تاریخ برگزاری:
October 9-11, 2024 (Sioux City, Iowa, USA)


⛔️مهلت ارسال چکیده:
➡️Abstract Submission Deadline: August 19, 2024
➡️Notification of Acceptance: August 23 rd , 2024

ارسال فایل چکیده به:

[email protected]

⬅️⬅️ اطلاعات تکمیلی:
CAUTHE 2025 #conference (Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education)

Brisbane, Australia مکان
10-13 February 2025 تاریخ برگزاری


موضوع #کنفرانس: Transforming Tomorrow: Leveraging Opportunities to Create Change in Tourism, Hospitality and Events’

🟣"تحول در آینده: بهره‌برداری از فرصت‌ها برای ایجاد تغییر در گردشگری، مهمان‌نوازی و رویدادها"🟣

Call for Papers Open: 1 AUGUST 2024
Call for Papers Close: 1 OCTOBER 2024

اطلاعات بیشتر: