Frigg and Saga Throwback to May 23 and my first ever whittling project. I’d brought a cheap set of knifes and some basswood blocks months before but hadn’t found the courage to actually give it a go. At the time I was in the AFA, and the ladies group had a project to create the likeness of Saga and Frigg in whatever medium we wanted. I decided this was the perfect opportunity to try whittling and I instantly fell in love with it!
A few months back, I committed to carving out (pun intended) 10 minutes a day for woodwork, at the time it was feeling impossible to find enough time to get anything done. I decided to attempt a face, something I don’t do often. And this chap emerged within a week. He makes me quite happy to look at and he now resides at the edge of my workbench, overlooking my projects. However, I get the feeling he’s constantly muttering under his breathe about how I’m doing it all wrong 😂
Eir, the Healer of Asgard I feel a strong connection to Eir so I was excited when I decided to attempt to carve her. The first cut was made in March and the final coat of linseed oil applied in July. I was frustrated at how long it was taking to complete (due to lack of spare time), but now she’s done, I am so thankful that I didn’t rush to try force her completion in the time I deemed right. Some things have their own timeline and we must respect them! Ceilidh, NZ
I didn’t take any photos of the completed Eir before sending her off to a good friend in England. Thankfully he took some and shared on his channel - if you’re not following @heathencarvings I strongly encourage you to do so!