馃彌Our University students visitedMuseum of Victims of Political Repression馃摎 Getting to know history closely and respecting monuments are important steps in the spiritual growth of the younger generation. We can始t achieve a bright future without understanding history.
馃摳Through this video, you can feel the atmosphere of the museum and experience our students' impressions.
馃彌Universitetimiz talabalari Qatag'on qurbonlari xotirasi muzeyiga tashrif buyurishdi.
馃摎 Tarix bilan yaqindan tanishish va yodgorliklarni hurmat qilish - yosh avlodning ma鈥檔aviy o鈥榮ishida muhim qadamlardan biridir. Zero, tarixni bilmay turib, yorqin kelajakka erishib bo鈥榣maydi.
馃摳Ushbu video orqali muzey muhitini va talabalarimiz taassurotlarini his qilishingiz mumkin.Telegram | Instagram | Facebook