Navia: well- you can celebrate your birthday?..
Neuviliette: My.. birthday..?
Navia: yes-! it would be a nice opportunity to be surrounded by the ones you love for a day or few hours
Neuviliette:.. I'm not sure.. if it's worth it to ignore work for my birthday-
Navia: I do have empty hands at night usually so i celebrate with some tea and cake with friends , you might try next time?
Neuviliette: hm...-
Navia: I'm sure you would have fun with it- i would like to come if you are willing to invite me "giggle"~β
Neuviliette: ..Oh ...
Navia: "stare at the people in the festival"... "looks at him" want to join me for a dance too?
Neuviliette: ?..I- am not much of a good dancer..
Navia: neither I, I'm not going to judge you , this isn't the opera house
Neuviliette: "light smile" "put his hand on his mouth"....if that's so- Then it would be my pleasure.
Navia: "Smile" " Bow and grab her dress " and it's my honor- " give him her hand"
Neuviliette: "hold it"-
< they both started to dance and sway together in a rhyme>
Navia: " put her hand behind his back"- that would be your first dance?
Neuviliette: i have had few on my very early years..but not on a cliff..
Navia: then this one is special-.. never imagined having a one with the chief justice
Neuviliette: everyone hold me in such high regard- for just doing my job-.. yet i found myself unworthy of all this-
Navia: hm- Why? you are the beating heart of Fontaine justice..
Neuviliette: I'm flattered- But as i mentioned, it's nothing but my own duty-
Navia: "smile" ha- How humble of are always trying to make yourself less in the eyes of others yet you really do held people up high when you are talking to them-
Neuviliette: ..Ah.. I do think that's considered as .. just polite..
Navia: It is , Yet you shouldn't lower the value of yourself too- you are a respectful and wise gentleman, who show justice at it's final peak- you are certainly an icon of perfection in the eyes of everyone now , so be aware of it- because you deserve to be glad about it-
Neuviliette: ...-
Navia: ? I said something not To your liking?
Neuviliette: no certainly not- I am just A bit too flattered that you see me that way-
Navia: "giggle" everyone see you that way Monsieur Neuvilette.. everyone look up to you and trust you- Even I .
Neuviliette: .. I'm glad to hear that-